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Frequently asked questions about the foot doctor

Until they need to visit a doctor who specializes in foot and ankle problems, most patients don’t know much about what a podiatrist or foot doctor is, or what they do. These frequently asked questions can help clarify some of the common questions many people have about foot doctors.

What types of foot doctors are there?

There are several types, including podiatric surgeons, podiatrists, and podiatrists. Each of these physicians has completed their education to become a doctor of podiatric medicine; patients will note that they may include “DPM” after their name to indicate it. There is no difference in the basic education these different types of foot doctors receive; Instead, the different names indicate your preference for the type of care they provide.

What is the medical education of a foot doctor like?

Like physicians, DPMs complete a four-year bachelor’s degree and four years of graduate study. His graduate education is completed in special medical colleges that specialize in podiatry. Once they have completed their formal education, they spend several years doing on-the-job graduate training jobs in hospital residency programs.

Can podiatrists treat other ailments in other parts of the body?

It depends on the state or region in which the podiatrist practices. Some states only allow DPMs to treat the foot; others allow the foot and ankle, while others allow podiatrists to also perform treatments above the ankle.

Do podiatrists help patients with serious illnesses?

Yes, indeed, many of the patients podiatrists see suffer from serious chronic illnesses. These diseases can directly affect the health of the foot or can cause complications that affect the health of the patient’s feet. Diabetes, for example, is linked to peripheral neuropathy, which can sometimes lead to foot amputation if not managed properly.

What kinds of podiatric specialties are there?

As with other fields of medicine, podiatrists can choose from different specialties. Some of the specialties that podiatrists may choose to pursue include geriatric podiatry, pediatric podiatry, primary care, surgical podiatry, and sports medicine.

Does the insurance cover visits to the podiatrist?

Most health insurance plans cover visits to podiatrists. They are legitimate medical personnel and respected physicians and surgeons. However, as always, the patient must determine whether the chosen treatment will be covered and, of course, whether the chosen foot doctor accepts public or private health insurance. Not all podiatrists accept medical insurance, or they may require the patient to present their medical insurance on their own behalf. However, this has become less and less common as many patients rely on health insurance for their medical bills. As a result, most podiatrists now accept health insurance to meet the needs of their patients.

What do podiatrists treat?

While their specialties vary, a general foot doctor treats any injury, disorder, or disease in terms of how they affect the feet. They treat warts and bunions, joint pain, and many other conditions.


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