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funny jokes

Without the fun, humor, and laughs that jokes bring, the world will be all frowns. Hilarious jokes are created to reflect life in unusual, funny and entertaining ways. A good laugh is as contagious as funny jokes impact life. By adding humor to life’s experiences, funny jokes make the world worth smiling. The laughs that funny jokes bring make people feel like children again and they face difficult situations looking at the lighter side of any circumstance in life. Funny jokes bring simple pleasures in life as they present a classic way of keeping people entertained.

One thing that’s great about funny jokes is that it gives people a great way to channel life’s negativity and turn it into something constructive. Use your pain as your humor base, your cynics as your wit, and use puns for your jokes. Funny jokes give you constructive use of your lies, falsehoods, and frustrations. It brings a feeling of liberation that prevents all negativity from being held within you. In many ways, funny jokes make life more bearable and worth smiling about.

There is no better way to spend your free time, coffee break, recess or downtime than by sharing funny jokes. One way to bond with your peers, coworkers, and family is through fun conversations. What’s a conversation without funny jokes? Adding fun elements into conversations is an effective treatment for keeping people engaged in a conversation. It works like caffeine. Stimulates everyone’s senses. It makes us think. It pushes us to outdo each other with a better joke.

The act of creating a funny joke is foolproof. You can’t go wrong trying to create or tell a story with the intention of making people laugh. The general response for jokes would be laughter, if not a slight smile on the face of the viewers or listeners. If a joke did not get any response, the joke is called flat. But even flat jokes make people laugh just as much as funny jokes. You see, no one can go wrong by making their own versions of jokes. It even has no rules or methods to follow. Just follow your thoughts, stay with them, have fun with them and narrate them. Surely, your thoughts will solve a funny joke.

We’ve seen enough movies to see that funny guys get pretty women and funny men end up lucky. Even funny cartoon characters have happy endings. We’ve seen enough reality TV to say that the key to being famous is being in a funny video. Being fun is the key to having a head in life, people! Now there is a simple funny joke.

Creating and delivering a funny joke is an innate ability that humans have, but something that should not be explored is those innate abilities. A good joke can be created simply by telling an honest story about your life. As the cliché says, “be yourself”. Don’t be afraid to make fun of yourself from time to time. Life was not created to make people nervous. Just lie back and let your thoughts flow. Engage a few friends in a simple conversation and start talking. You’ll be surprised; the jokes will just come out of your mouth.


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