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Get her to commit – You can make her think it’s all your idea

What is the secret to getting a man to commit? Have you realized that trying to “convince” a man to get serious can be a very bad idea? Would you like to know how to make it happen and let him think that it was all his idea? You are in the right place to learn how to do this. Read a little more and you will have all the information you need to get you engaged.

Take the initiative to show him, not tell him, that you are the perfect woman for him. Be there for him when he needs a friend; support him when he needs a little encouragement; show him that you are the only person he can always trust. Playing the field is the male way, but if you give him these things, he won’t be looking around for much longer. Your actions will do the job of letting him know that he doesn’t want to think about spending his life without you.

Stay active with your own activities and acquaintances. Men don’t want to be responsible for providing all the excitement to their girl. They are most turned on by a woman who can bring fun and enjoyment to the relationship and ultimately make their life more exciting. Get him engaged by staying busy; makes you much more attractive.

Finally, don’t force the issue. As stated before, you cannot make a man commit if he is not ready. Sure, you could pressure him to say things he doesn’t mean, but you haven’t really gained anything from this. If he promises commitment just to get you to stop pushing him, you can push him to get him to stop pushing you. Refresh yourself and let him get to the engagement stage on his own using the tips above. Let your actions and your feminine charms do the work for you to commit. The unspoken word can be very powerful.


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