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group fitness classes for weight loss

Exercise should be about having fun moving your body the way it was designed to move. It seems that exercise has become a negative word in today’s society. Too many times I have been reading to a group of students or adults and when I mention exercise they flinch. This should be exciting if I remember that in elementary school we couldn’t wait to go out for recess, it was our favorite part of the day. Now we work, work, work, go home and do more work, then sit on the couch. We have eliminated the activity of our day. Even in schools they are cutting physical education at a time when the country is at its worst in terms of illnesses and diseases related to sedentary lifestyles.

group exercise
Group exercise is a great way to get together and spend some recreational time for adults. Be sure to check your local paper, visit the parks and recreation website, or stop by your local YMCA to get an idea of ​​what classes and hours they offer. Make sure you have a class that meets two or three times a week. If you’re a fitness beginner, make sure the class isn’t too advanced, you can move on. The last thing you want to do is take a class that is too difficult and get discouraged. Drop in a few minutes before class or stay a few minutes after class and check in with the instructor, instructors are often also fitness trainers who can give you great advice one on one.

Be consistent
The key is not to give up, one way to help when you feel like you are falling off the bandwagon is to have friends who hold you accountable to your goals. Make friends in the class and make a pact to keep in touch to make sure no one gets left behind. Sometimes things come up; family, work, and illness happen, but don’t use these things as repeated excuses. If you miss a class, make it your business to make up a day using another class or go out and get some exercise on your own. If you are consistent with your exercise and training program, you will get the results.

Con: Monotony
Some group fitness classes, like cycling and aerobics, can get a bit monotonous. Doing the same exercises and movements every day will not challenge your body after a long time. You need variety in your training program, mix it up a bit. If your class instructor isn’t changing the routine enough, try another class or move on to something more difficult. At some point you may experience a plateau with your weight loss, it may be that your exercise program has become stale. Get help from one of the personal trainers or change your classes so your body recruits different muscle groups by using different exercise modalities.

There are many options to choose from when looking for group exercise programs for weight loss. Make it your goal to try something out of your norm, choose a dance workout class or fitness boot camp to add some real fun to your overall wellness program. Don’t forget that you need to be mindful of your nutrition if you really want to lose weight with group exercise programs.

Visit us at http://www.screenfitness.com to read more about how you can lose weight with proper exercise prescription and quality nutrition choices. After all, being healthy should be fun; you should be happy making good lifestyle choices.


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