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Home invasion requires preventative layers of protection

Home invasions are becoming more frequent these days, as thieves begin to use powerful technologies like iPhone apps and Google maps to carry out their devious acts. Staying up-to-date on crime tips in your area, knowing what technologies are being used against you, and installing a home defense system will ensure that you have the upper hand in better protecting your home from these desperate individuals.

To deter criminals from breaking in and entering your home, you’ll need preventative measures that warn home invaders to stay away from your home and warn them of what to expect if they’re caught. These preventative measures can be implemented to keep these slags as far away from your home as possible.

First layer: outer layer

  • Armored doors. A normal door offers only 1″ of protection. Strengthen your doors and locks by upgrading and strengthening your deadbolt and lock set. Invest in heavy-duty hinges and door frames. Never rely on chain latches as a barrier. They can be easily broken.
  • Doors that are not seen through. Never give scum the advantage of having a clear view of what she has or how things work within your home. Criminals are good at discovering domestic patterns, which they can use to their advantage. Installing a peephole allows you to see who is outside your door even before you open it.
  • Motion detector lights around the perimeter of your home can warn you of potential threats.
  • Gates or spiked fences will prevent would-be invaders from jumping in.
  • A spare key hidden under a flowerpot or doormat equals an invitation. Since many people still do this, they are the first place many thieves will look.
  • Having a trained attack guard dog is one of the most effective and reliable deterrents against home invasion. Just don’t forget to put “beware of dog” signs on the front and side doors to serve as a warning.
  • Remove large trees and shrubs near windows that could possibly hide and gain access to the interior.

Second layer: inner layer

  • Invest in an alarm system and place signs and stickers outside your home to announce that you have one installed. Studies show that the visible signs of alarm systems installed in a building immediately deter most burglars from entering.
  • Make sure you have the two-way voice feature installed with your home alarm system, which allows your security system to communicate directly through the control panel. This will also allow you to call your security system, listen to the activities going on inside, or talk to a family member or your child who is at home.
  • Strategically place surveillance cameras in hidden or visible areas. Hidden cameras will capture live footage of criminals when they least expect it, and visible cameras will allow them to think twice before entering your home.
  • Emergency plans and protocols should be posted where your children and other family members can see them, along with emergency contact numbers, such as 911, next to the plan.
  • Money, jewelry, car keys, and other valuable items should be kept away from windows where thieves can see them and make them want to break in more.
  • Although having a gun may seem useful at times, it is extremely deadly to have one inside the house, especially if there are children around. Be sure to keep it locked up in a safe place out of the reach of children.

Third layer: knowledge layer

A prepared person is a person who is equipped with knowledge about home security features, how to get family members to safety, where to get help, and how to use a weapon as a last resort.

  • Teach family members, especially younger ones, to be vigilant when entering and leaving the house.
  • Teach children not to be easily persuaded to open doors for strangers, even those who display badges and appear professional.
  • Teach children to call “safe adults” such as their trusted neighbors in case they need help and you are not home. This is a good time to get to know your neighbors and identify some you can trust and leave their phone numbers with your children in case they need help while you are away.
  • Teach all family members how to use the alarm system or how to activate a panic button or car alarm.
  • Teach older family members how to use a gun as a last resort. Taking self defense lessons is quite helpful when you are facing people who are trying to break into your home and endanger the lives of your loved ones or yours. Encourage your teen or other able-bodied adults at home to take these lessons, too.

Home security these days needs more than solid doors and strong locks or constant reminders for children not to open doors for strangers. A well thought out safety and security plan discussed in depth with the whole family will help outline the protocols to follow during emergencies. Things can happen too fast during emergencies. When adrenaline kicks in, sometimes it’s fight or flight. This could lead to rushing emotions, anxiety, or panic. Practicing emergency plans several times and investing in security alarm systems will offer much-needed peace of mind for everyone in the house.


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