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Health Fitness

How ipsilateral energy could be the key to overcoming depression

Very few people know about the ipsilateral energy state, but it can often be the key to really understanding WHY you suddenly start feeling SO depressed, SO tired, SO listless, like everything feels like too much trouble or too difficult.

Simply put, when a person is in good physical and emotional health, the energy in their body intersects, side to side, top to bottom, and front to back.

But if you could take a picture of a depressed person’s energy, you would see that instead of crossing each other, their energy seems to be stagnant just going up and down their body, in a pattern called ‘Homolateral’.

When you are stuck in the ipsilateral energy state:

You operate at 50% (or sometimes even less) of your full power capacity.

He finds it much more difficult to recover physically and often keeps falling into chronic diseases.

ยท Even simple movements like walking, which are often incredibly energizing and stimulating, are very tiring and difficult to perform. (When your energy is healthy and intersecting, walking is the perfect exercise to keep the energy flowing that way. But when your energy runs in parallel lines, then the effort of walking, with your arms and legs alternating in a ‘cross The “over” pattern is going against the current energy flow of your body. It’s like trying to swim against the current; you get tired, fatigued and miserable very quickly.)

Emotionally, you usually feel depressed, very negative and cynical about life; overwhelmed and chronically exhausted.

You can get ‘Homolateral’ very easily if you have been sick, injured, operated or have gone through some chronic or acute stressful experiences. (In other words, people become homolateral as a kind of physical ‘post-traumatic stress’ reaction.)

The following exercise can help you get out of the ipsilateral energy state, and once you are out and ‘unstuck’, physiologically, you will find that you naturally have much more optimism, courage and emotional strength.


1) Sit on your couch.

2) Touch the same elbow to the same knee (first using the right elbow and right knee, then switching to the left elbow and left knee), 12 times on each side.

3) Then touch opposite elbow to opposite knee (right elbow to left knee, then left elbow to right knee), 12 times on each side.

4) Do both sets another two times, ending with alternate sides (ie right elbow to left knees, etc.).

Remember, these exercises are NOT about feeling the burn; it’s about getting the energy to start cruising again.

If you are sick or feel very weak, you can take them as slowly as you need and they will still work.

To remember:

If you have been very ipsilateral, stressed and depressed or sick for a while, you will need to do these exercises twice a day for at least 40 days, before the improvements really start to hold for a long period of time.

There are many reasons why we get depressed, spread across all levels of mind, body, and soul. But once you move out of the Homolateral energy state, you will find that the other areas of your life will begin to change as well.


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