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How to build forearms of steel

Like other little kids, you were probably a huge fan of wrestling. In truth, girls love wrestling drama too, but boys can be big fans of the sport. Do you remember watching games with your father, uncle or grandfather? No matter how old you are, wrestling is a great sport to watch. Shouting curses and obscenities while the match is going on is probably one of the thrills. Not surprisingly, if you are a fan of wrestling and you like bodybuilding, you are probably wondering how to build forearms of steel.

As you watch the wrestlers butt heads and punch each other, it’s hard not to notice the massive forearms on these wrestlers. Although skills play a huge role in winning in wrestling, it doesn’t hurt if you have the strength and big forearms to use them against your opponents. Bruno Sammartino and Billy Graham had huge forearms. They were great everywhere. Having big biceps means you can have a strong grip. To have big biceps, you must learn to build forearms of steel. Both Sammartino and Graham had forearms the size of tree trunks.

The neck, calf muscles, and forearms are the most neglected body parts. Many men focus on building their biceps, but often overlook building their forearms. This results in huge upper arms with little twigs for the forearms. In truth, forearms are quite visible, so it’s ironic that there are many men who don’t give importance to the construction of their forearms. In combat sports, especially wrestling, your forearms will help you grab and hold your opponent.

Often when you’re doing deadlifts, shrugs, curls, rows, and pullups, your forearms have a secondary job. Exercises that are ideal for strengthening the forearms include barbell, mallet lever, steel bar push-up, horseshoe push-up, hammer push-up, and finger push-up. To develop the forearms, you need to work them twice a week using two methods:

1. High volume training with 20-50 reps

2. Lower volume training involving 8-12 reps of heavy focus.

Although you may know how to build forearms of steel, you should also consider your body type. There are people whose body responds quickly to exercises and will see their forearms grow massively quickly. There are some people who will have a little trouble achieving rapid development. Short men are likely to see their forearms enlarge more quickly than tall men.


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