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How to get your man to pamper you?

To your surprise, there will probably be more things you want to avoid doing to win your man’s favor and get a chance at “All Might Mighting.” In some cases, you may want to avoid doing certain things if you want to make yourself comfortable pampering. So that would make this article good for women who are being pampered and those who are not.

Try to be real with yourself and face the fact that nobody owes you a foot massage, nor does they owe you a foot massage, nor what you might consider pampering. With the women’s movements and the lack of chivalry in today’s society, you are now on the level of being equal to a man. If you are the type of woman who believes that women are treated as equals, the type who clings to older traditional values, or perhaps the type who likes to draw either card when convenient (this is one of the main things not to do). make). All of this is totally irrelevant. Both types are now being treated as equals, regardless of what you may believe or be true as well. So if your feet hurt after a long day at work or maybe they just hurt from so much walking in the park or the mall. Guess what? No, one owes you pampering.

Communication is still the number one key. The problem that I think most women have is in this area. So you can see if you are having trouble with this, I will first give you some tips on how to tell. Then we’ll take a look at more don’ts to help you get on the right track or to help some of you run smoothly and lose quality time.

o If the words “Honey, we need to talk.” make him growl

and moan as if in pain.

o If you were treated but now it is only for


o You seem to feel a bit like you are bothering him


o He has told you that he is not going to do that and why

he is not

o When you start communicating, it usually ends in a


One thing to remember is that you are not going to change a person. That is something that has to happen within and over time. Being forceful and fighting will only take him further away from the problem and maybe from all of you together. And find a new partner who will take care of pampering. Well, I can only say “the grass may be greener on the other side, but it still needs to be cut.” So when you communicate, try to keep it simple by using OUR RULE # 1: “Talk to him how you want him to talk to you.” Men are more comfortable in conversations where they feel respected or honored. For example: you have a woman who is getting her “half foot rub” for arguing and hitting him with consent harassment. On the other hand, you have a woman who is sweet and persuasive who is getting an amazing foot massage that could even lead to a night out with the girls, shopping or who knows what.

My wife’s girlfriend said she had come home after a long day at work and asked to be massaged because her back and feet hurt. The answer he got was that his back and feet also hurt. So, of course, he got upset. I feel like if she hadn’t been bothered, she might have noticed a lightbulb go on. Remember not to argue, but persuasively. What I should have answered was, “I’m sorry you had a rough day my dear, why don’t we take turns rubbing things together and listening to those CDs that we both like?”

If you want to be cared for, you must be willing to care for him too. Remember that now you are the same, right? Find out first what he likes and how he likes it. Men love catering too. In fact, there is not much difference between the two of you. You simply handle emotions and life situations differently, as well as communicate your feelings differently. But there is no difference between your struggles.

Don’t overdo it. Try not to get into a state of mind where it is expected or not appreciated because the moment you feel that it is not appreciated or you would not be given this type of treatment since you are the same. They pamper me out the door. Barking instructions during the course of pampering, such as giving instructions on how to rub his feet while he is doing it, is an important NO, NO. This should be avoided by letting you know when they discuss it. For example: “Yes, honey, when you gave me my massage that way it was very nice.” Also try not to talk too much about catering. Even pretty words spoken over and over are irritating.

Making him feel like he owes you breakfast that morning or something you bought him yesterday when you went shopping is a huge detour. That could put a major brake on the pampering parade. In some cases you may be dealing with a different case and scenario than the one I have described and that is fine too. Now I will give you a useful summary list that a woman can request to gain favor with her man and have a better chance of being pampered.

or no one owes you pampering

or you can’t change anyone

o The grass may be greener, but it still needs to be cut

o Be persuasive and sweet, non-combative and forceful

o Try not to give instructions on pampering

o Talk to him how you would like him to talk to you

If I could just summarize it all. I’d say the main focus from here on out should be to shift yourself and your focus to get your man involved in the act of you pampering each other. Have fun out there!


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