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Arts Entertainments

How to hypnotize someone with a watch

Moving a watch sideways, the words spoken, “Your eyes are getting heavy. You’re getting sleepy. Now I’m hypnotizing you with this watch to do everything I want you to do. You’re my slave and now, I can conquer the world!” !” says the antagonist in a Disney cartoon movie. In real life, however, the way to hypnotize someone with a watch no longer exists. Psychiatrists no longer practice it in treating patients. Truth be told, the clock routine makes the subject feel queasy and queasy.

The use of watches to hypnotize as in stage shows is normal for entertainment purposes, although the practice of the hypnotist is real. People who watch the show can really be captivated by the hypnotist as hypnosis seems to be very easy to do. How easy can it be? The people who volunteer to be hypnotized by the stage hypnotist are willing people who know they are going to be hypnotized and their mind is set for such activity. That is the first step. Acceptance. The second step is preparation. The third step is focus. Learning how to hypnotize someone with a watch is not necessary at this point. You do not need to turn any object towards the person you are going to hypnotize. It will just annoy the person or make them feel sick.

How can you effectively hypnotize another person? You have to be equipped with the techniques of hypnotization. Read books and check free websites online that teach you how to learn hypnotism.

Is it difficult to learn? It’s moderately challenging as you have to study how it’s done and you have to be committed. It is like studying any subject in school. You have to read the basics. You also have to practice what you know and hypnotism doesn’t happen overnight. You have to practice over and over until you get it right. How to hypnotize someone with a clock used to be a technique until conversational hypnosis, NLP, induction hypnosis, and other methods proved more useful.

To be truly exceptional in the art of hypnotism, you must go through a learning process before you can see the result. Use the skill on the “field”. Practice whenever you get the chance and you should start with people you know to get positive feedback. The more you use your hypnotism techniques, the faster you will learn and improve each time you use it. The more hypnotism techniques you learn, the better hypnotist you will be. Say goodbye to the notion of how to hypnotize someone with a watch. Hypnotize someone with the experience you’ve gained.


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