
The Perfect Tech Experience

Digital Marketing

How Your Attitude About Sales Affects Your Sales

Have you ever stopped and examined your attitude about sales? About having to be a salesperson?

When someone asks you what you do for a living, are you embarrassed to say you’re in sales? Do you find that demeaning?

I used to. I used to harbor the belief that I was better than just being a salesman.

For years, I’ve been waiting to go back to school to get my graduate degree so I could start my real life. See, I was smarter, better, had more to offer than just “sales.”

My real attitude was that sales was an aggressive occupation for people who couldn’t do anything else. He could always feel the underlying frustration of someone stuck in a job they didn’t like: sales.

Strange to say, but that’s how it seemed to me too. I was better than what I was forced to do for a living.

And I didn’t know I felt this way until my manager challenged me to examine my attitude about sales.

And it was then that I also realized that my attitude was costing me the success that I longed for.

My attitude prevented me from excelling and enjoying this profession.

And that’s when I rethought what I was doing. I embraced sales as a profession, not just a temporary “job.”

I realized that as a sales professional I was in a unique position to help a lot of people.

As a sales professional, you could play an essential role in the business world, helping businesses and individuals grow and get the things they needed to excel and lead better lives.

And once I realized the value, the true value of being a sales professional, my attitude changed and I committed to being the best producer in my company.

Oh, and I also realized that as a high-performing sales professional, I had the ability to make a lot more money and provide a much better life for my family than if I went back to school to become (whatever) .

Plus, you’d enjoy better hours, have more vacation time, drive better cars, enjoy a better retirement, etc.

Once I changed how I felt about selling, I was able to fully engage, fully apply myself, and experience unimaginable success and satisfaction.

I made millions in sales, had a good time, supported my family and gave them the best life, and met, worked and helped thousands of people.

But I almost missed it, because I never stopped to examine my underlying attitude about selling. I never stopped to see what was stopping me from achieving the success I saw others achieve.

But then I did; I changed my attitude, and embraced this wonderful profession.

And I have lived the best life.

I hope you will take some time today and examine your own beliefs about selling.

And that, while you are in this wonderful profession, you will give everything; you will choose to be the best you can be before you go ahead and try something else.

If you do, you may find, like me and other top sales professionals, that you’re already in the profession that can allow you to live your best life.

And that is sales.


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