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Health Fitness

Is Skipping Breakfast Really Good For Weight Loss? Surprising truth

About 80% of overweight people share this common characteristic. It may be one of the most important indicators of why so many people are getting fat these days. On the contrary, 80% of thin people share a directly opposite characteristic. Here it is …

80% of overweight people skip breakfast. Interesting, huh? Ok, maybe not, but … it is very important when you add the fact that 80% of thin people actually eat breakfast regularly.

Perhaps the biggest and most important habit you can develop to lose weight is the simple ability to eat breakfast every day.

Now, this does not mean eating a bad breakfast full of terrible foods that are loaded with carbohydrates and fats and suddenly you will lose weight. Come on, you knew. Don’t try to fool this habit and yourself.

Here is my best suggestion for you …

Make 3-4 scrambled eggs. Quick and easy. Yeah … I know you’re busy. We all are. If you really care about your health and want to lose weight, can’t you just wake up 10 minutes earlier than normal to give yourself time to prepare and eat your scrambled eggs?

Even better is to add 1/2 can of black beans or black peas to scrambled eggs.

That is almost the perfect breakfast. High in protein and fiber, low in carbohydrates and fat.

You will notice that you will not feel very hungry before lunch. You can thank all that protein and fiber in the eggs and black beans!

So, as you can see, skipping breakfast is not a good idea … especially for weight loss. Breakfast is the best time to eat a large meal because your body is getting off 6-8 hours of sleep (starvation). So you need food for energy to start your day off right.

One last thing. The more food you eat at the beginning of the day (within reason), the less food you will eat at the end of the day. This helps you burn the foods you ate during the day instead of letting them stay in your body and turn into fat deposits while you sleep at night.


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