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Is the Second Coming of Jesus Associated with the Third Temple and Dome of the Rock Prophecies?

The Dome of the Rock prophecy and the Third Temple prophecy have EVERYTHING to do with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Daniel said that these events are set for the end time. We are not at the beginning of the church age…we are at the end. We are not at the beginning of human history…we are nearing the end! Be real!

Fixing a date for the second coming of Jesus Christ is nonsense, because the Scripture clearly says: No one knows the day or the hour. Only God knows that. But God HAS appointed that day. He DOES know that day. He is working all things here at the End Time in perfect accordance with that date.

With that said, what can we learn about the Second Coming of Jesus by looking at these two amazing prophecies? Number one, we know that when Jesus returns, there will already be a third temple here. Jesus will live in that Temple for a thousand years, and the sole of his foot will be there forever. Ezekiel 43:7.

Number two, we have a problem: now there is no temple there!

But number three, the Bible has the answer! The Antichrist (Daniel 9:26,27) is going to build the Third Temple for Israel.

Number four: This is very mysterious, because HE, the coming Prince of the People, will be the Muslim Mahdi, their long-awaited ruler/world leader.

Number five: The Third Temple will be completed in three and a half years. The Antichrist tricks Israel into thinking that he is his friend. But at that precise moment, he turns against them and begins a war that ends with the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Number six: The construction of the Third Temple will begin in the year 2023.

Number seven: The Dome of the Rock that currently dwells there will no longer be there.

How can we know all these facts? How can we be so sure? Because God cannot lie. God’s Word is true from beginning to end. Even the cover where it says “Holy Bible”. To say that the Bible is not true is to call God a liar. To say that God gave it but man ruined it is to say that God could not preserve it for all generations (which He DID promise, Psalm 12:7). To say that the Bible is not trustworthy is to say that God is untrustworthy. Dangerous position to occupy on judgment day.


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