
The Perfect Tech Experience

Arts Entertainments

Losing your pet? You may experience an early complaint

For those unlucky enough to not have a furry loved one in their lives, they don’t fully understand how important these furry friends really are. They may say things like “but it was just a dog/cat.” As an animal lover, you know that these furry animals are more than just an animal and a pet; they are a member of the family. Just like when you find out that a family member is dying, it is the same with your furry friend, you are absolutely overwhelmed to hear the terrible news that they have a limited amount of time to live. This really doesn’t help you in your time of need when you find that you now have to say goodbye.

Hearing those words can send you flying for a loop like on a wicked roller coaster, you can experience so many different emotions from one minute to the next. From anger, to sadness, to regret, and eventually, perhaps to acceptance. Acceptance doesn’t mean you forget them, it just means you accept that this is where your next step is in your life’s journey.

We are all different when it comes to grievances and losses, but in one way or another, everyone still feels the terrible pain of loss. In fact, the anticipated grievance may even be worse than when the death occurs because you have to watch the process with almost slow emotion. You are often reading all about the information of what is to come. You are learning all about euthanasia. You are managing all the ups and downs of your pet while trying to be strong for them. You will be looking for the signs that the time has officially come for you to send your loved one to their eternal peace from pain.

These are real emotions that you are feeling and should be taken very seriously. You should talk about it as you would any other very distressing time in your life. You can talk it over with a trusted friend or a professional counselor. There is even pet loss or bereavement advice you can access. You should also consider joining a pet loss support group. This can be very helpful for those with an anticipated grievance and after your death. You may also find great comfort in finding a way to celebrate your pet’s life through a doggie wish list or by doing great things to make the most of your time together. It also helps to talk to your vet to understand everything that will happen. They will answer any questions so you know what to expect. This is incredibly helpful because part of the grieving process that can be hardest is not knowing what’s going to happen next. This can also lead to contemplation of causes and questions about life, death and the afterlife, which can also be helpful during this coping process.

Bereavement of a pet is a very real affair that can be a difficult event to bear. When you walk with a sick pet, you will have to deal with a lot of very strong emotions. These little animals are much more than just furry animals that shed all over your home. They hug you when you’re sad. They are there to listen to you when the going gets tough. They are members of your family and your best friends and nothing could be more painful than having to say goodbye to them.


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