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Message from the universe: small steps to the journey of a thousand miles

“Starting something is the best way to finish something.

And just doing something tiny today, anything, from wherever you are, is the best way to start something.

I’m not just a customer

The universe “

The journey of a thousand miles always begins with the first step. You cannot achieve anything if you have not started to move towards your goal. It takes effort and something can be difficult for many who are afraid to try. Many do the bare minimum, but complain that they don’t see great results. You reap what you sow and that applies to everything in life. Nothing will be as easy as if it were like this, everyone would do it. You need to be different and think outside the box sometimes, even get out of your comfort zone. Great things will happen when you put the time and energy into working to make difficult changes in your life. Believe me, I speak with a lot of experience.

So where to start this journey, you may ask? Well, be sure to write down what you want to achieve, create, or achieve. Once you have everything on paper, determine what it takes to get things done. Always focus on the big picture and don’t be intimidated by your dreams, even if they are very scary, in a good way. Face your fears and always look for better solutions for what you want to do. Small steps are required to ease the obstacles you will face along your journey to happiness. Once you have mastered crawling, you can start walking and finally run to your destination. Be careful though, as sometimes you can fall and hurt yourself too, but this is part of what we call life. Without fail, you will never learn anything. If you don’t learn, your mind will stagnate and nothing will make sense. You want to avoid that at all costs. If the path you are on is not the right one, go back and find the one that best suits your needs. Until then, I’ll see you at the destination. I am sure that I will achieve my goals. Because you do not do it?


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