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Misreading Freud and Lacan

I have read a lot about Freud and Lacan, who are popular psychoanalysts of all time whose theories are popular as jargon in the field of literary theory. It was when I started reading the Bible, I began to have doubts about them and wanted to reinterpret their theories in light of Christian apologetics.

First of all I would like to take the Freudian concepts of DI, EGO and SUPEREGO. ID, according to Freud, is the main seat of passion and the bulwark of libido. The EGO refers to the assimilated language and culture of the family. SUPEREGO refers to the laws imposed by society. What Freud has failed are his efforts to integrate these concepts. To this day, it remains a mystery how humans learn language. Theories of language are quite vague and confusing. From the Freudian point of view we have to be acrobats and walk a tightrope on ID, EGO and SUPEREEGO. Any loss of balance would be insane and therefore we have psychopaths and sociopaths who are unable to adjust these three states. From a Christian perspective, Christ made creation healthy. When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, our psychological states were fragmented. After the entrance of Christ and his shedding of blood on the cross and his offering of salvation, we are whole again. Such kind of consciousness, I would like to define as a neologism: CHRISTANING CONSCIOUSNESS or Christ plus consciousness. The Freudian fragmentation of consciousness is greatly reduced and we become part of Christ as his girlfriends.

Next, I would like to take the Freudian concept of libido. Libido for Freud is the sexual drive. Here Freud does not consider that we are human and not animal. Incest is rare in society. Once again, Freud has misinterpreted libido to arise from birth. Libido begins only in the state of puberty. Parental relationships such as touch, sharing emotions and caring do not develop the sexual organs but the mind. Freud was madly concentrating on the genitals, which I think was a red herring. Love, emotions and care, I would like to say, are responsible for the growth of the psycho-emotionality of the person. A bad childhood can lead to psychological problems later on. The lack of development of psycho-emotionality can turn individuals into psychopaths and sociopaths. It is very interesting to observe how Christ treated mentally disturbed people. He treated them with love, empathy and respect and totally healed their afflictions. Gadarene’s man stands out. The cure for Christ was not altering the function of neurotransmitters, but healthy.

Next, I would like to raise all the scandals against Freud’s absurd theory called the Oedipus complex. It is ironic to note that Freud made it from Legend. According to legend, the play of Sophocles, King Rex marries his mother and kills the father. For Freud, the Oedipus complex meant the transfer of the child from the mother’s breast to desire the father. I would blatantly ask Freud if any child in the world will have sexual desires for his mother at such an early stage of development. We are not born into sex and sex develops later in life. At this stage of life we ​​find ourselves in a process known as cristomasía, the coined word of Christ, and geomancy (reading the earth through divination). Development in this phase of life is more emotional and psychological than sexual. I would also like to use another term for the weaning process and that would be the circumcision complex. The circumcision complex refers to the weaning of the child from the mother. And the child after weaning must accept the partial independence of the body.

Next, I would like to address Freud’s most puzzling theory: the castration complex. The castration complex, closely related to the Oedipus complex, is the reaction of the father’s threats to prohibit the child’s sexual activities. The child comes to confront the laws of society, that is the prohibition against incest and murder. It is true that when sexual feelings open at puberty, there may be a tendency to masturbate. It is part of nature after Adam’s sin. Here parents can guide the child’s activities towards recreational activities. Once again, Freudian sexuality is chauvinistic. It does not address the nature of female sexuality. Freud does not say that the girl wants the father and wants to kill the mother.

Next, I would like to return to the Freudian conceptuality of the oral-anal and phallic phases. The Oral phase is marked by the desire for the Mother’s breast and the pleasure in oral simulation. Does the child connote it sexually? The answer is definitely no. The next Freudian phase is the Anal when there is a fascination with defecation. Shitting is more biological than sexual. I would beg to disagree with Freud saying that sodomy is not learned at this stage. I’m sure the boy won’t have sodomy fantasies. The next stage is the phallic. Here the phallus for the child is more of a biological tool than a sexual one. Genitalia acquire a connotation of sexuality only at a later stage of development, which is puberty.
Next, I would like to take Lacan’s concept of gaze. For Lacan, the gaze is sexual, also known by him as scopophilia or the pleasure of looking. Again, I consider this to be very chauvinistic. I would like to ask the question why men like to watch. The feminine, on the other hand, is stimulated by love, touch, and care. I’d like to call this motherhood. The Bible is very clear about the look. Christ has repeatedly emphasized that it is not enough that you do not commit adultery but do not lust with your eyes. If you have cloudy eyes, take them out. In reality, this Christian ideal is very difficult to put into practice. The only thing we can do is ask God for forgiveness.
The next of all Lacan’s controversial concepts is the Mirror scenario. It is the stage that occurs between 6 and 18 months when the child learns to recognize himself as an image. This is heinous blasphemy. The sense of self develops through language and cognition. Yes, the emotional concepts of the self have to be guaranteed by the mother with loving gestures, affection and emotional speech. Only then can the child become healthy.

Once again, Lacan, the notorious French psychoanalyst, has fragmented the ego into the real, imaginary, and symbolic realms. The real for Lacan is an ideal state of being before the development of language. Parents take care of the child’s self. This was originally the state of Adam and Eve in paradise. The next stage is the symbolic order where the child enters the realm of language. The reality of the child from the fullness is desire and lack. This is a problem? No way! For a child who has been well cared for, it is not an emotional or sexual problem. Deviation occurs due to a bad childhood. The next stage is an imaginary stage for the development of narcissism. The person at this stage will have fantasy for himself and also for celebrities. From the Christian point of view, it is better to be rooted in Christ and accept Christ as our ideal. Christ is a loving celebrity who must be clothed with adoration, honor, and respect. After all, we are made to do the same. Social, intellectual and physical ties will help reduce Lacan’s self-prophesied narcissism.


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