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Health Fitness

Natural Male Model Workout – What Is The Abercrombie Routine Like?

Abercrombie work out

The exercise routine has 5 stages, which includes a bonus stage. Each stage lasts for two months and the bonus cycle is simply 21 days to “shrink the muscles.” All training is done on an empty stomach.

Stage 1: sarcoplasmic hypertrophy to build muscle mass quickly

This phase uses the principles of bodybuilding, but without the extreme diet plan. It targets high mass fatigue by making use of higher rep sets to fully fatigue the muscle, employing a pyramidal technique to result in intracellular growth within the target muscle. The break will be held between 30 and 60 seconds. Aerobic exercise is done after every workout. The two main varieties of aerobic exercise are HIIT training and the tabata protocol to ensure that you build muscle and lose fat. Use a two-day division.

The 2-day split is day 1: chest muscles, shoulder muscles, triceps, and abs.

Day 2- Back, biceps, legs, forearms / hands. The diet at this stage is to eat generally healthy foods.

Stage 2: build muscle and girth

This particular stage builds stage one further and is the link between stage 1 and 3. You are going to build big, hard muscle tissue and use a popular strength plan that uses 5×5 concepts. In my opinion, it is probably the most satisfying stage and the results are out of this world. It’s still a 2-day split, using the same muscle pairing as stage one. Once again the exact same aerobic programs are used. The diet is once again flexible determined by whether you can have some kind of body fat to shed or not.

Stage 3: muscle strength along with definition

Here’s the 2-month cycle where they will really cut you off. It is the most difficult phase as more cardiovascular exercise is added and the diet program is very strict. You’re really going to need to motivate yourself when you’re at this stage. The division is ordered differently with this stage and the rep range will be 2-4. The division is:

Day one: chest, back, abdominal muscles

The second day will be the muscles of the shoulders, the triceps and the biceps.

Cardio exercise uses tactical cardio, which is a mix of HIIT training accompanied by 30 minutes of steady-state cardiovascular exercise.

The diet for this cycle is quite rigid, focusing on high protein, reduced fat, and low carbohydrates. In this phase, you follow the principles of intermittent fasting and the idea is to be in fat-burning mode regularly by not spiking your blood insulin from starchy carbohydrates. Good fat is actually very healthy, but at this particular stage we want to use your body’s subcutaneous fat to fuel your workout.

A sample diet for this routine is:

1) A protein shake in water and a fruit.

2) Chicken breast salad

3) Protein shake in water and a handful of walnuts


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