
The Perfect Tech Experience


New home alarms offer much more

Alarm systems for the last twenty years have had little to offer in terms of updates or new technology. Improvements have been made to alarm signal transmissions and alarm devices, but there is no “WOW” factor. That is until now. Many companies now offer alarm systems that can monitor your entire home – lights, temperature settings, and even appliances. What makes this better than the security systems offered in the past is that it is now really affordable for the average homeowner. These products may have been available before, but they were typically difficult to set up, expensive, and not easy to use. Now you can even add live video to your home for just a few hundred dollars. This is a far cry from the camera systems of the past that may have cost you thousands of dollars.

You may think that all this high-tech isn’t for you, but consider the tremendous benefits you may be missing out on. Below are three benefits that these new home security systems have to offer.

  1. By using the lighting feature, you can turn on the lights remotely or have them come on on a schedule. Have you ever left your house during the day and later that night came to a completely dark house? Well, with one of these systems you can remotely turn on the lights in the house from your smartphone or any computer. Simply log into your account via a secure website and select which lights to turn on and voila, you are welcome to a well lit home.
  2. The thermostat allows you to remotely control the temperature in your home. You can even set this on a schedule to adjust the temperature up or down when the system is armed and then turn it back on when you disarm. Using this feature can generally save you hundreds of dollars over the course of a year.
  3. Having cameras at home can be wonderful for parents who care about their children. Imagine children coming home from school and taking the system apart, making it a safe place for the home. You are at work and you receive an email alert saying the system has been disarmed and a 10 second video clip of the children coming home is attached. This is a great way to calm the worries of a concerned parent.

Using one of these integrated home security systems can provide you with many other benefits. Talk to a security professional today to see how you can add or upgrade your security system and start taking advantage of the latest in home automation technology.


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