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OraMD Review: This is something you need to know

While looking for an OraMD review, here is a piece of simple logic that occurred to me a while ago, after a friend gave me a bottle of OraMD to cure my gum disease.

What makes us choose products?

I found that most of us feel “comfortable” with the products we use frequently. Although our requirements may change, we often don’t wonder if products in the closet are still the best option for our current needs.

Here’s a product that most people don’t question

This is an example that most people will probably relate to. For most of our lives, we have been led to believe that fluoride toothpaste will take the best care of our teeth and gums.

There is no need to question this fact because our dentists have told us so (100% backed by the American Dental Association). And of course, we’ve all seen those glossy advertisements depicting successful, ever-smiling people whose perfect lifestyles seem to have been miraculously brought on by the use of big brand toothpastes.

Putting all that aside for a moment, what exactly do we rub our gums and teeth twice a day, every day of our lives?

If only we had known the facts

In reality, the toothpaste you confidently buy over the pharmacy counter is a cocktail of chemicals and additives, many of which are not at all pleasant.

Take sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) for example. It is a key ingredient in toothpaste due to its ability to make bubbles. Of course, we associate bubbles with ‘clean’. However, this same chemical is a component of industrial products including motor degreasers, floor cleaners, and car wash soaps.

Serious safety concerns

There have been some serious doubts in published reports on the safety of using SLS in toothpaste. When this chemical is applied to the skin, it can make existing skin conditions worse. It has also been linked to mouth ulcers (canker sores).

Unless you’re a robot with a metal mouth that needs regular degreasing, SLS seems less attractive as a chemical for brushing your teeth and gums on a daily basis for the rest of your life (not to mention your kids).

Here’s something softer for your family

Imagine for a moment that you stop using your regular brand of toothpaste and throw it away. You will need a replacement.

Based on my own experience, here is my review of OraMD. I’d like to help you discover some important facts about this exceptional product.

OraMD is an all-natural toothpaste and mouthwash replacement product. It is 100% made from pure essential oils. It has no artificial additives. No chemicals or drugs are added to enhance performance. OraMD’s recipe has been scientifically formulated to kill harmful bacteria that live in your mouth.

Bacteria are responsible for bad breath and plaque buildup, which leads to gum disease and could ultimately result in tooth loss. Traditional toothpastes do not help at all and, in fact, create an atmosphere that encourages the multiplication of bacteria.


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