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Ovarian cancer in women: watch out for symptoms

Symptoms of ovarian cancer in women can be hard to notice. Many people may attribute the signs to something else. In the UK alone, 7,000 women a year are diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

If the cancer is diagnosed early, the treatment can be more effective, people with the highest risk of developing ovarian cancer are those over 30 years of age and postmenopausal women.

It is important for women to know that a cervical smear test does not detect ovarian cancer, smear tests usually only look for abnormal cells that may be a sign of cervical cancer.

Some of the early signs that you may have ovarian cancer are;

– Constant pain in the abdomen, very similar to menstrual cramps

– Bloating of the stomach (not only after eating)

– Loss of appetite

– Frequent urination or difficulty urinating

– Intestinal problems such as diarrhea or constipation

– Fatigue

– Pain in the back or neck

– Weight loss (only if unexplained)

As I said earlier, these symptoms can often be mistaken for something else. Some women may experience abdominal pain before their period along with a bloated feeling.

Because the symptoms of ovarian cancer in women can be like regular everyday problems for most, due to this delay, the cancer can often spread. This makes the treatment more intense and the success rate may be lower than if the cancer had been diagnosed earlier.

This cancer can sometimes be hereditary, if 2 or more members of your family have previously suffered from breast or ovarian cancer, you should notify your doctor.

Some young women are often unaware of the symptoms mentioned above, this may be because they feel that cancer is a problem that only affects older women. It may be because they have no idea that the symptoms they are experiencing are like those of ovarian cancer.

If you notice any of the above symptoms on a daily basis, I urge you to seek the advice of your doctor or other healthcare professional. It may not be anything to worry about, but prevention is better than cure.

It is not a very common form of cancer, the most common forms are breast cancer, cervical cancer in women or testicular cancer in men.

If you think you may be experiencing any of these symptoms, you should talk to your doctor as soon as possible. I urge you to do this for any symptom, not just the ones I’ve mentioned above. If you’ve already talked to your doctor and your symptoms get worse, go back and ask for more precise tests.

As the symptoms of ovarian cancer in women are similar to what you would have with a period, you may feel that it is not important enough to warrant a visit to the doctor, this can be detrimental to your health. Early detection of cancer can save lives! If you or someone you know has any of these problems, get it checked out.


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