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Ovulation symptoms? 5 common ovulation symptoms to get pregnant

If you know what to look for, ovulation symptoms are very easy to spot. Ovulation usually occurs 12-16 days after the first day of your last period. During ovulation, your body will make some slight changes, such as a change in vaginal secretions, mild cramping, elevated body temperature, and sometimes it can be accompanied by very light spotting. Most likely, you have seen or felt these changes before but paid no attention to them as they are very subtle in nature. Noticing these changes is not difficult, you just need to pay close attention to your body.

The first step to notice changes in your body is to know your body very well; this is usually extremely simple for women as we are very intuitive by nature. Just another perk of being a woman. The first symptom of ovulation is that your vaginal secretions will increase and become almost the consistency of raw egg whites, this occurs due to a change in hormones.

Two to three days before ovulation you will notice this increase in clear and slippery vaginal discharge, during these days you are fertile but, on the last day of vaginal discharge you are most fertile. This is because it is on this last day of discharge or the day after that ovulation actually occurs. Remember, sperm can live up to five days in the vagina, so even if you haven’t ovulated, having sex on these days is very beneficial.

The second symptom of ovulation is mild cramps; These cramps that you may feel are often called mittelschmerz, which means medium pain in German. Middle pain is usually felt on the side you are ovulating on. This is caused by the release and movement of the unfertilized egg through the fallopian tube. For me, this isn’t a constant pain, it’s usually just one of those “oh, what was that?” and then it goes away though, and this can happen several times during the day.

The pain associated with ovulation can occur every month, but for whatever reason, it usually occurs every three months. In most women, the pain goes away in 6 to 8 hours, but it can persist for 24 to 48 hours. You may also experience nausea, bloating, frequent urination, and pain during intercourse, however this is rare.

It is at this time that you may also notice a slight pinkish tinge to your vaginal discharge, don’t worry, this is completely normal. These signs and symptoms can vary from woman to woman, but a sure way to tell is to check your basal body temperature. After ovulation, a woman’s basal body temperature will rise by 0.4 to 1 degree.

In addition to the symptoms listed here, many women report that during this time they actually have a greater desire to have sex. This is simply your body’s way of making sure all your hard work doesn’t go to waste. After all, you know how they say it takes two to tango!

I know this may seem like a lot to take in right now, but in the long run, becoming more familiar with your body and all of its working structures will not only help you identify the symptoms of ovulation, but it may also help you get pregnant on the spot. future. shorter period of time.


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