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Health Fitness

P90X – How to get rid of belly fat and lose weight with the P90X home workout system

I’m sure you’ve seen the infomercials on Sunday morning or late night TV. The ones where a bunch of muscular guys and pretty girls work out combined with clips and interviews of people showing their before and after photos and talking about their success using this home workout system. Listen, I know you might be thinking that those statements sound too good to be true, but this program really works. Would you like to find out?

Let me give you a little history. After several years of a sedentary lifestyle, wife, children, and virtually no exercise, I became bloated and gained a lot of weight. Now this all happens very slowly and we don’t realize it, but the tipping point for me was when I went to my high school reunion a couple of years ago and this guy looked at me and said, “What happened to you! ?!?, you used to be in really good shape!?!?” Needless to say, I felt like I wanted to die, but this gave me enough fire to do something about it. Long story short, I started using this home workout system without much faith in it, but that changed pretty quickly.

The advantages of P90X

Like everything in life, everything has its pros and cons, and this home exercise program is no exception. Let’s go over the pros.

1 The workout consists of 12 DVDs, each of which focuses on a specific area of ​​fitness. Each training lasts 4 weeks and changes continuously. The result is that your body can’t really adapt to the training, which will prevent weight loss plateaus.

2 The workouts are pretty fun and in some cases really addictive. You basically follow what happens on the screen,

3 It comes with a pretty detailed nutrition guide that will give you several options – a recipe-based plan for those who like to cook. A plan that only gives you the number of servings of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and a list of the equivalences. And finally, a list of healthy and nutritious things to eat at restaurants and fast food places. Ideal for those who travel all the time or travel a lot.

4 You can do the workouts at home without having to buy any expensive equipment or join a gym. For me that was a big plus, as I don’t really like going to the gym and would have quit right away if I had to do my workouts there.

5 You have access to a really cool online community where you can share success stories or ask questions about workouts or food.

The cons…

1 Workouts are pretty intense. There’s really no way to sugarcoat this. you’re going to hurt yourself. Especially during the first week. I was pretty sore the first few days, but eventually I felt pretty good.

2 You must train 6 days a week. This may seem like a lot to people who are not used to physical activity. Fortunately, the actual workouts are a lot of fun to do, but you have to make up your mind to do them.

3 You have to make the effort to change your eating habits and learn to like exercise, otherwise you will be disappointed.

Overall this training system is pretty solid and you can expect to get real results if you follow the plan. You can be sure that what you see in the infomercial on TV is true, and you can expect similar results if you stick with it. Are you serious about losing weight and getting in good shape?


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