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Penile Health and Vitamin C: The Male Benefits of This High-Impact Nutrient

It’s easy to neglect penile health. Between work, family, and friends, there’s often not enough time in the day to take extra care to make sure the penis is exceptionally well cared for. But there is much more that a man can do besides his daily shower to keep his penis in excellent condition.

Incorporating proven successful vitamins and minerals into diet and personal care products can be a powerful way to increase overall health, as well as penile health. One such vitamin is vitamin C, a supplement known for its incredible benefits for the skin and the circulatory system.

What is vitamin C?

Vitamin C is really just another term for ascorbic acid. Found primarily in citrus fruits and green vegetables, it is absolutely essential for maintaining healthy connective tissue, and in some cases it is believed to also act as an antioxidant. Foods with the most vitamin C include guava, black currant, red bell pepper, kiwi, green bell peppers, oranges, strawberries, and papayas. People who don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables are at risk of vitamin C deficiency, which can lead to scurvy.

Many people associate vitamin C with a strengthened immune system. Despite the fact that vitamin C has long been touted as a successful defense plan for the common cold, there is actually very little evidence that it works in this way. A 2007 study found that those who took vitamin C supplements at the start of a cold did not prevent the illness or shorten it. Those who took vitamin C daily experienced a slightly shorter cold duration.

So what are the most important facts about vitamin C? Here’s what you need to know:

– It’s hard to get enough from consumption alone: ​​Medical professionals recommend that men and women aim to consume 90 milligrams of vitamin C per day, but the average person is only capable of consuming 75 to 90. For many people, especially those with demanding schedules Professionally, eating enough fruits and vegetables every day on a consistent basis can be challenging and expensive.

– It is a natural stress reliever: a recent study concluded that vitamin C was useful for people whose immune systems were weakened due to stress. Maintaining healthy levels in the body can help ensure that a tough week at work doesn’t end with a cold.

– May help with the appearance of the penis: Vitamin C is known as a powerful and successful tool for reducing the appearance of aging on the skin. Because it works as an antioxidant, vitamin C attacks free radicals, which are known to cause wrinkles.

– May help with erections: Vitamin C is also known to help with circulation. Healthy blood flow and circulation are critical to achieving an erection, as the penis requires an exceptional amount of blood to become firm.

– It is not stored in the body: Because vitamin C is soluble in water, excess vitamin C in the body is not stored. That means it’s almost impossible to “overdose” on vitamin C. However, doctors recommend a maximum of 2,000 milligrams a day to prevent stomach upset and diarrhea.

Given all the benefits of vitamin C, all men should make sure to incorporate this acid into their regular penile health routines. A great way to ensure that the penis is getting enough vitamin C is to make sure that it is an ingredient in your penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe for skin.). By applying vitamin C directly to the skin of the penis, rather than ingesting it, many of the penile benefits can be achieved more quickly.


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