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Health Fitness

Penis health hazard: Too much exercise leads to overtraining syndrome

Generally, when it comes to body image, the conversation focuses on women. There is a good reason for this; Women are disproportionately affected by media images and messages about what type of body is “ideal,” and their bodies are more often and more obviously objectified. However, this should not lead men to think that they are clean. Society also presents an “ideal” male body type, characterized by bulging muscles and a V-shaped torso. Some men struggle to achieve this ideal, going to the gym hard almost every day, pushing their bodies to grow bigger. bigger and stronger. While exercise, both cardio and strength training, is important for overall health, overtraining can be devastating to physical and mental well-being; it can even negatively affect the health of the penis. That’s why it’s important for men to be aware of overtraining syndrome and take steps to avoid it.

overtraining syndrome

One of the main components of overtraining syndrome is an increase in cortisol, the body’s stress hormone that is released by the adrenal cortex. It has the task of breaking down proteins and fats to convert them into energy sources.

Men who overtrain may experience the following symptoms due to excess cortisol and other factors:

– Tired

– Decreased physical performance

– Altered resting heart rate/blood pressure

– Aches and pains

– Insomnia

– Reduced muscle strength (as cortisol breaks down protein)

– Reduced appetite

– Headaches

– Gastrointestinal upset

– Sexual performance problems

– Psychological symptoms (for example, depression)

Overtraining is counterproductive as it actually weakens the body; it is also dangerous for health in general.

cortisol and testosterone

Cortisol appears to have an inverse relationship with testosterone; when the levels of one are high, the levels of the other are low. Low testosterone levels are likely responsible for many of the sexual symptoms experienced by men who overtrain. These include:

– Reduction of the amount of ejaculation

– Reduced sex drive

– weak orgasms

– weak erections

– Complete erectile dysfunction

Low testosterone levels can also cause some of the above symptoms, such as depression and reduced muscle strength. Additional symptoms include hot flashes, breast development, reduced bone mass, and hair loss.


Recovery from overtraining syndrome first requires rest. A man needs to give his body time to rejuvenate; strength and performance actually improve when the body is at rest.

Second, an overtrained man needs to do a serious rework of his fitness regimen. Shorter sessions, less frequent sessions and/or lower intensity workouts should replace his previous dangerous routine.

Third, and not least, a man must do some personal work to combat body image issues that may have encouraged him to harm himself through exercise. Talking to a counselor or psychologist and investigating media distortions of the male body can help men not only avoid overtraining in the future, but also develop a healthier sense of self and more confidence.

A man can supplement these imperative measures with additional steps to lower his cortisol levels. One of the most important to take is stress reduction. Talk therapy, massage therapy, and relaxation training (such as meditation, deep breathing, or guided imagery) can help a man reduce his overall stress levels, which encourages lower cortisol levels . Additionally, he can boost his testosterone levels by eating plenty of zinc, which is found in oysters, lamb, lean beef, wheat germ, and spinach.

Maintain penis health

Overtraining is bad for penis health. In addition to keeping exercise at a reasonable level, men can promote penis health by using a penis health cream. (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) packed with nutrients to promote smooth skin, proper circulation, and high sensitivity. Men who use such a product can feel more confident about what they are packing. Plus, lovers are likely to care a lot more about a healthy manhood than gigantic muscles. Men can give the weights a break, lather up with some cream and enjoy what nature gave them.


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