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Philosophy of football in the World Cup

As we watch the 2010 World Cup, Americans are in awe of the intensity of the fans around the world. It’s absolutely amazing, and while soccer today isn’t as big as football, basketball, and baseball, it surely will be in the future. It turns out that the 2010 census reveals that there are a growing number of Hispanics in the US, and they are the fastest growing demographic segment, and on average; they love soccer.

In fact, me too, as I played soccer for seven years when I was young and of course not at the level of these amazing players at the World Cup, but enough to understand the game and love it for what it is. . Teamwork, training, agility and you learn a lot about winning, what it takes to win, and there’s a lot of philosophy in that.

In fact, the other day I was at the bookstore and I had to buy a new book, and I noticed on the shelf a book titled; “Football and Philosophy: Beautiful Thoughts on a Beautiful Game”, by Ted Richards, Open Court Press Publishers, New York, NY, (2010), 406 pp, ISBN: 978-08126-967-69 – I bought this book right away.

If you love soccer, and if you love watching soccer on TV, if you’re carefully planning your day around the World Cup games in South Africa in 2010, then this is a book I highly recommend. For anyone who has ever played the game to win, played the game for teamwork and camaraderie, or watched the game in awe, this is a must-read book.

This is a great book for the athlete and the thinking man, and I like it. “Zen and the art of motorcycle repair”, it’s just fabulous. It also makes a good coffee table book. There are lessons and thoughts throughout the book that make you see the game of soccer for what it is. After all, this is a sport that has brought the world together and brought us closer together. It is a sport played and watched by billions of people.

There is no sport like football in the whole world, and whether you call it, futball or soccer doesn’t matter, what matters is that you learn more about the game and understand the philosophy, psychology and everything it means: behind the scenes , in the minds of the players, coaches and fans, this is the best of the Football Philosophy. And I highly recommend this book. Please, consider it.


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