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Script writing + visualization: the key to writing a script easily

Let’s face it, writing a script can be difficult. It is a daunting task. Especially if you’ve never written one before.

I’m sure you’ve been stuck in a dark theater watching a less than stellar movie and have said to yourself, “I can do better than that!” The truth is, you probably can … if you just “gotten” out of the way.

what do I want to say with that?

I mean bypassing the inner critic. That harsh voice in the back of your head that kills dreams and ambitions. That voice that says, “Who am I to think I can write a script?” It can be cruel, evil, and completely debilitating. That is why it is necessary to eliminate it from the creative process.

And the best way to do that is by using visualization. Creative visualization is a state of mind in which you are completely relaxed and susceptible to positive affirmations and suggestions. It is a state that bypasses the critical part of the mind and accesses your right brain, the area where creativity arises.

I’m sure you’ve been in a state of empowerment before. It is often called “being in the flow” or “being in the zone.” It is the ideal creative state. It is where we live so we can do our best work.

When we screenwriters are in that ideal state, ideas emerge unconsciously, flow into our consciousness like magic. We find ourselves writing scenes and dialoguing effortlessly. We almost feel that we are in touch with something beyond ourselves.

Writer’s block is the opposite. It’s where every idea that comes to mind is ruthlessly analyzed and judged. You feel like every idea you have is terrible or has been said a million times before. You feel that you lack originality or you have absolutely nothing to say. But the truth is that writer’s block is simply a protection mechanism, use fear to avoid being hurt by venturing into unknown territories where “danger” resides.

But writer’s block CAN be overcome with creative visualization. Creative visualization can transport you from a state of stress or fear to a new space of inner calm, peace, and tranquility. Additionally, a natural byproduct occurs when the body releases all tension, thus creating the relaxation response – the perfect state to learn, heal, or focus on goals.

Personally, I use visualization to help me get into the right frame of mind for writing. I just relax, let myself go, and listen to my personal recording of music and affirmations. But you can easily create your own visualization. That is how:

1. Compile a list of positive affirmations about writing, ie, “I am an excellent writer”, “Ideas flow to me easily”, “Writing a script is fun”, “Every idea is a good idea”, “I am So excited to be writing this script! “Write everything you see for your writing career, ie,” I have written an Academy Award winning script “or” My writing is always in demand by Hollywood studios. “

2. Buy a small voice recorder. You can use a handheld cassette recorder, but a newer digital recorder is recommended because you can take it with you wherever you go to record your script ideas as they occur to you.

3. Select your favorite meditation music recording. Play it gently in the background.

4. Say your affirmations softly and slowly into your digital recorder. Repeat the series of affirmations as many times as you see fit.

5. Find a quiet place and close your eyes. Listen to your new visualization twice a day with a pair of headphones to drown out distractions. Feel relaxed and let yourself be carried away by your positive affirmations … by your powerful new future.

Yes, visualization is a powerful technique that can be used to overcome writer’s block and generate new levels of creativity in your writing career. In a competitive environment like Hollywood, any advantage you can use can make the difference between success and failure.

Happy writing!


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