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Self-esteem is overlooked as a problem underlying most, if not all, of life’s problems

Self-esteem is, most of the time, overlooked as a problem underlying most, if not all, of life’s problems. I know it’s a big statement, but if you suffer from low self-esteem, then you may also suffer from shyness, depression, eating disorders, jealousy, drug addiction, alcoholism.

I truly believe that building your self-esteem will help you live a more rewarding and enjoyable life.

That said, I’ve put together a list of 5 self-esteem building activities you can do to build your self-esteem in no time. These were chosen among my website visitors as the ones that helped them the most.

These activities are easy to do and best of all they are free. All you have to do is be willing to step out of your comfort zone, open your mind, and commit. Which will not only build your self-esteem, but will also help you grow as a person in many areas of your life.

Here we go…

1. Smile – Yes, a simple smile will help you build your self-esteem and self-confidence. He will make you feel good about yourself. You will realize that you don’t have to frown all the time. You’ll also notice that when you start smiling at people more, you’ll instantly receive more smiles in return.

2. Say to yourself or out loud if possible, “I love and accept myself.” But you must say it no less than 100 times in a day. This little activity comes from Louise Hay. Who in my opinion is the queen of positive affirmations.

3. Write in a journal. When you sit down to write, don’t stop. Everything that comes to your mind, you write it down. This will help you free yourself from the constant chatter going through your head. You need to put all those thoughts that keep going round and round in your head back where they belong so you can stop thinking about them. This will also help you make room for more positive and rewarding thoughts.

4. Make a “I am thankful for” ready. Write down everything you are grateful for. Even if at the time it seems minor or insignificant. You will discover by doing this self-esteem activity that you have many things in your life that you are currently taking for granted. But once you realize this, you can start giving thanks for everything and start attracting more good things into your life.

5. Make peace with yourself. Yes! Right now, forgive yourself for anything and everything that you feel ashamed of or guilty about. These feelings of shame and guilt will keep you stuck in the past for years to come if you don’t get rid of them now. Make a clean slate. A new beginning.

Well, there you have the best activities to build self-esteem chosen by people who are actively building a relationship of acceptance and love with themselves.

If you actively engage in these activities, you will soon notice a difference in your level of self-esteem.

If you can’t find the time today to do these construction activities, when?

Now is the time to start feeling better about yourself. You have to make it a priority in your own personal life. No one else is going to do it for you.

I’m here to help you, of course, but I can’t do it for you either. I want you to feel the positive feelings that arise when you take responsibility for your own life and the results you get from your actions.


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