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Shih Tzu Care 101 – The Shih Tzu Puppy Grooming

One of the most striking characteristics of a Shih Tzu or Shih Tzu mix is ​​its glorious, flowing and smooth coat. On the Shih Tzus show, this coat covers the eyes and reaches down to the ground. In ancient China, where the breed originated, a long, thick coat was necessary to survive in drafty royal palaces. But that coat is a bear to deal with every day.

Only showing Shih Tzus should be kept in a full coat. Otherwise, the average Shih Tzu owner will go crazy. Caring for a full Shih Tzu coat takes as long as an Afghan dog (a much larger dog). And its local climate is probably much more temperate than that of northern China. If you live in hot climates, a full coat will kill your dog. All breeding and pet Shih Tzus coats must be kept in a Shih Tzu puppy clip.

You need to make Shih Tzu grooming a rewarding experience for your dog. They should be commended and brushing should be as another expression of affection and hitting the dog is not allowed. Get your dog used to getting bathed, brushed, combed, ears cleaned, eyes cleaned, and nails trimmed as soon as possible. Get them used to the sound of pruning shears days or even weeks before using them yourself. They should stand still before trying to trim them.

Your electric clippers will come with an incredible variety of detachable blade lengths, designated by numbers. Some professional dog groomers recommend a number four blade for Shih Tzu puppy trimming. A number ten will remove stubborn tangles, but will make a shorter cut. The number forty is what veterinarians use before operating – try not to mistake it for a four! Keep your clippers clean and well stored, and this most expensive Shih Tzu grooming kit will last for many years.

A Shih Tzu puppy cut is great for easy grooming, but other grooming supplies will be needed and can be found wherever pet products are sold. You need at least a nail clipper, a soft brush, a small brush (or pin) (which has a square base), and a flea comb. All other brushes, combs, and wipes are optional. Be aware that the white areas around the Shih Tzu’s eyes, nose, and mouth will often become discolored, but they shouldn’t smell bad. Introduce your Shih Tzu to the daily Shih Tzu brushing routine as soon as possible.

Shih Tzu grooming should be a time your dog looks forward to, or else his life will quickly turn miserable. Use positive reinforcement and lots of verbal praise and treats during any Shih Tzu grooming session. Shih Tzus love to be the center of attention and quickly learn to stay put. Remove tangles with a soft brush first, followed by a polisher. A flea comb helps detect very small and tough parasites and tangles. Cut nails only when necessary. A Shih Tzu puppy cut makes this routine that much easier.


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