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Stretch marks during pregnancy: how to prevent and reduce them effectively

Having stretch marks during pregnancy is very common. The bad part is that when you have them, they mostly won’t go away that easily. Over time, they will fade from that first pink and purple to silver gray, and will be less noticeable. If you follow some tips to reduce stretch marks, you may make them even less visible.

The basic rules to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy are to exercise, eat healthy foods, and keep your skin moist. The moisture on your skin largely depends on whether you drink enough water and eat water-rich foods, whether you get the proper moisture-balancing nutrients, and also the climate you live in. For example, if you live in a place with very dry air, which can be found in both hot and cold places, then your skin naturally becomes less humid.

Of course, exercising and eating healthy means you’ll likely stay in a good weight-gain zone and won’t gain extreme amounts any time soon. Steadily gaining weight is good if you want to avoid stretch marks, although it’s not really something you have complete control over during pregnancy.

Another thing you can do to keep your skin elastic is to stretch your limbs regularly, for example by practicing yoga or Pilates.

Keep eating nutritious foods like berries, dark leafy greens, avocados, fish, and wild and grass-fed animal products. This is to make sure your skin has everything it needs to be strong, keep collagen production high, and prevent skin damage.

While it’s important to keep your skin moisturized, you’ll also want to use a strengthening and healing concoction on your skin. Natural belly balms and creams rich in vitamin E and healthy fats are great for keeping skin strong and elastic.

Avoid the usual moisturizers found in drug stores and retail stores, as most of them are packed with mineral oils and synthetic chemicals. Mineral oil is also known as paraffin wax, liquid paraffin, and petroleum jelly. It can clog pores and then strip oils from the skin, leaving it dry and vulnerable. The safest thing is to stick to 100% natural creams.

Good examples of ingredients to look for are shea butter, jojoba oil, cocoa butter, active manuka honey, and grapeseed oil. In their natural unheated state, they are rich in healthy fats and nutrients that are especially good for stretch marks during pregnancy.


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