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The best tips to stay warm this winter

In the middle of winter it can get so cold that you start to come up with unique ways on how to cover every part of yourself so that not a single piece of skin is left exposed. OK. So, we live in Australia and it’s not as cold here as it is in some parts of the world, but some of us feel the chill in our bones as soon as it drops below 25 degrees and we need a firm strategy. on how to stay warm when this happens.

Aside from wearing gloves while trying to Instagram your phone or throwing on a balaclava at the grocery store to keep the extremities of your face warm, we’ve got our top tips to share for staying toasty during the winter months.

Drink hot chocolate and herbal teas.

Warming up from the inside out is our top tip for winter bliss. A good old fashioned hot chocolate will warm the spirits and the herbal teas come infused with lots of natural and wholesome bits and pieces that can help warm up. and It cleanses your interior leaving you feeling refreshed and invigorated. Ginger, for example, is great for stimulating circulation and is well known for its flu-fighting powers. Peppermint tea is good for the liver and is full of antioxidants. There are plenty of herbal teas to choose from that promote a healthy body. Take that winter.

Warming up from the inside out is our best tip for winter bliss

Get under a really warm blanket

There are some beautiful designs coming out of Australian companies. Hand-knitted geometric throws will not only keep you really warm, but will also add a splash of vibrant color to your boring old sofa. But maybe you really want to take it to the extreme and nothing says ‘I’m freezing’ more than knitting your own wool blanket with industrial-sized needles using wool made for giants. Of course, you can also buy a pre-knit blanket, but you can’t keep those oversized knitting needles as a memento of your crazy knitting skills.

Buy a hot water bottle

Nana is making a comeback (see knitting in the top tip above) and hot water bottles are no exception. These little beauties just need hot water and will give you hours of love. Speaking of nana, why don’t you get crafty and return the favor of your hot water bottles by knitting an extra pretty slipcover and a warm hug on the couch? Who needs humans when you can enjoy the company of this less talkative, super warm, well-dressed friend?

layer up

There’s a reason layering is so popular, because us cold-eaters are giving up all our clothes at once in an attempt to slap the winter chills off. Thankfully it’s a fashion statement, but don’t go overboard and end up looking like that walking marshmallow thing at the end of Ghostbusters. Be smart and choose woolen thermals and tights as your undergarments with items like merino wool on top. Not too sexy in the undressing sense, but hey, you’re warm.

Exercising for a short time each day releases feel-good chemicals that help combat the winter blues.

working out

It’s hard to get motivated to exercise in winter because it’s cold outside, but you need to see the ultimate goal, and the ultimate goal is good! Exercising for a short time each day releases feel-good chemicals that help combat the winter blues. Exercising outside helps increase the lack of vitamin D you may be experiencing due to less sunlight. Suit up in a thermal and get going quickly. In a short time you will be feeling that burning and repelling the cold. Now you’re not only a cold-fighting machine, but you’re also putting on a pretty good body in preparation for summer. Yeah!


If you decide you need more than the warm company of a bottle of water and a little human interaction might help your sanity during the shorter days, then you might as well use this person for extra warmth. Get up close, personal, and snuggle up during winter the only way two beings generating their own power can. A pet can work in this capacity too, but it can smell more so it’s up to you.


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