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Lifestyle Fashion

The obsession with celebrity pregnancy

changing bodies

Perhaps it’s the assumption that celebrities aren’t human that makes it so fascinating to watch them grow with pregnancy. It gives us the feeling that they are slightly normal when they go through their pregnancy weight gain. We watch their faces swell with their bodies, because even celebrities can’t escape the normal weight gain and water retention of pregnancy. Their ankles will swell up like ours did, and they won’t be allowed to dye their hair like we didn’t. Pregnancy itself is a naturally beautiful thing, but we look at how pregnancy will affect each celebrity physically.


Oh the fashion. We are obsessed with what celebrities wear, who they wear, and how they wear it. When celebrities are pregnant, it’s a new fashion scene. We can’t wear what we wear without a baby bump, so we have to search for maternity styles. We look at celebrities to see what to wear when pregnant too! Aside from maternity fashion, what do you put on your feet when they’re swollen and heavy? Do you dare to wear heels?

After pregnancy weight loss

Another reason we’re obsessed with watching celebrity pregnancy is seeing what they do after having the baby. Let’s be honest: we want to know how long it will take you to lose the baby weight. If they lose it too quickly, we balk (and take on plastic surgery), and if it takes a while, we see that they’re human and feel like we can relate. In addition, they cannot escape the normal “wear and tear” of the body due to pregnancy. They too will have stretch marks and loose skin (without surgery of course).

Pregnancy, in general, makes celebrities more relatable and, in turn, makes them feel less “large than life.” It’s not a bad thing that celebrities seem more human. It is something that I, for my part, like to know.


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