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The Open Source Legacy: Web Application Development

One of the advantages for web application development at the turn of the century has been the open source revolution. With its seeds sown in the 1990s, open source technologies changed the face of web applications by reducing development timelines, simplifying programming problems, and eliminating tons of bugs that plagued the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). ). Almost all of these technologies have had their code base in PHP, which as everyone knows is the preferred programming standard around the world.

In this article, we showcase some of these technologies as a sign of our respect for their invaluable contribution to the PHO development community. Many PHP development companies might have different opinions on this list and we kindly accept them.

First, the godfather of all; PHPNuke was released somewhere in 1999. This technology literally was and is the foundation of most CMS (Content Management Systems). Just a bit before this release saw the start of phpMyAdmin which was designed for web based administration of MySQL. Its later versions supported database and table creation and deletion, fields, key and privilege management and much more.

SquirrelMail, a standards-based webmail package, came to market with built-in PHP support for the IMAP and SMTP mail protocols. Wide compatibility with browsers using HTML 4.0 made it an instant favorite among PHP MySQL development communities around the world. The turn of the century saw the dawn of osCommerce, an open source e-commerce solution that featured a plug-and-play installation that allowed online merchants to easily set up e-commerce stores with minimal effort. By integrating the powerful combination of PHP, Apache web server and MySQL database server, this technology caused a sensation with its robust and stable architecture.

Another technology that took root around the same time was OpenX, which inherited its properties from phpAdsNew and originated from the efforts of Tobias Ratschiller in 1988. A free ad server designed by the web publishing community for themselves, it provided tools complete management systems for online advertising. The exchange of paid banners with internal ads was made easier, as was the integration of third-party banner ads. Gallery was launched in 2001; a web-based online photo album utility that provides users with a sleek user interface for creating and maintaining online photo albums. Next comes probably one of the most popular CMS to date; Drupal. A modular CMS, it was ideal for forums, blogs and community engines with a database-based structure compatible with MySQL, MySQLi and PostgreSQL. The year 2003 saw the launch of WordPress, a cutting-edge personal publishing platform with capabilities that far exceed blogging. Integrating high flexibility, WordPress supports link management, attachments, XFN support, standalone page support, Atom and RSS feeds for content and comments, blogging API support, spam blocking, and most importantly ; a flexible theme system.

SugarCRM addressed the need for an open source CRM. Joomla!, launched in 2005, is an award-winning online CMS with separate front-end content and back-end administrator access, along with group-based access control. The open source e-commerce front was bolstered by the entry of Magento, a broadly flexible e-commerce CMS with full control in the hands of e-retailers. With the growth and acceptance of cloud computing, eyeOS announced itself to the world by providing a web-based desktop with 67 applications and multiple system utilities.

The list is endless and there may be many more technologies, such as Symfony, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, etc. that can be added to this list. But nothing is more consistent with the fact that PHP has been and will always be at the center of all the latest developments that have been and will be happening for some time.

We are GoodCore, a web application development company that is always ready to gain experience in the newest technologies to enter the market and extend its development advantages to our clients around the world. If you need a PHP-based solution, you can hire our PHP programmers. These individuals are handpicked for their broad repertoire of skills and talents when it comes to developing and deploying next-generation web applications in a cost-effective and timely manner. If it’s a PHP solution you need, GoodCore is the answer!


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