
The Perfect Tech Experience


The ultimate dream statement

creative solutions.

famous inventions.

Revolutionary innovation.

All of these brilliant ideas depend on your ability to complete the following sentence:

I wish there was an (X) so I wouldn’t have to (Y)!

I call this The Ultimate Dream Statement, or UDS for short. And (it could) be the most important idea an entrepreneur could consider. Let’s explore the two elements inside:


So, it is focused on dreams. Optimistic. solution oriented. It’s what customers want in an ideal world. The answer to your problems. The Tylenol for his headache. The relief they so badly need. The (X).

Then comes the second part…

2. … TO NOT HAVE TO (Y)!

As a result of buying (X), they are saving time. Or money. Or energy. gold paper Or manpower. Or opportunity cost. Which. The key is that by removing (Y), the client moves away from pain and towards pleasure.

OKAY! Now that you understand the root of this concept, let’s try a few. See if you can guess the existing product that, at one point, was considered a revolutionary innovation:

“I wish there was a way to view our vacation photos RIGHT NOW so we don’t have to wait until I get home next week.”

So what is the product?

OF COURSE! Polaroid and (eventually) digital cameras.

Let’s try another…

“I wish there was a fast-forward button so I didn’t have to sit through those awful ads.”

So what is the product?

OF COURSE! Tivo, or any other form of DVR.

Ok, last example…

“I wish there was a way to keep my kids quiet in the backseat of the car so I didn’t feel like stabbing myself in the eye with a plastic fork!”

So what is the product?

OF COURSE! Scotch tape.

It is not a joke.

The real answer is the Almighty Backseat DVD Player. What father of four doesn’t LOVE that invention!

NOW, HERE’S THE OTHER COOL PART: This innovation process also works in reverse. You can take any of your most treasured toys, gadgets or products and extract your version of The Ultimate Dream Statement.

For example, think of your iPod. The UDS would be:

I wish there was a way to compile all my music into one compact digital storage device so I don’t have to carry 100 CDs in my car, at work, and on the plane!

You understand. Make their dreams come true and at the same time help them avoid something frustrating.

NOW, HERE’S THE INTERESTING PART: I googled the phrases “I wish there was a” and “so I don’t have to…”

And after searching hundreds of blogs, message boards, and forums, here are a few examples:

o I wish there was a way to choose the flavors I prefer, so I don’t have to throw any away.

o I wish there was a website that told me where to go so I didn’t have to stress about these things.

o I wish there was a bridge over Lake Ontario so I don’t have to go all the way back from Syracuse.

o I wish there was a Digg.com that morons couldn’t find so they wouldn’t have to read such dumb comments ever again.

o I wish there was a way in the adapter to turn the volume up a bit so I don’t have to turn the volume up too high to get a “normal” volume

o I wish there was a way to reassign my seats online so I don’t have to get up early.

o I wish there was a walk through Wal-Mart where I could walk up to the window and order whatever I want so I don’t have to wake my baby up and take her to the store.

o I wish there was a way to refresh our brains and wipe the slate clean so we don’t have to learn new good habits and relearn not to do bad habits.

o I wish there was a place I could send all the stupid people to so I don’t have to deal with them anymore!

o I wish there was a tutorial somewhere where I could learn how to do these things on my own so I don’t have to bother everyone!

o I wish there was a dustpan with a long pole like a broom handle so I don’t have to hold the dustpan.

o I would like my pump to be able to measure my blood sugar reading so I don’t have to worry about the cost of glucose meter supplies.

o I wish there was a Depresso-Meter I could use to measure my current state of mind so I don’t have to deal with people asking me all the time “What’s wrong?”

Now obviously some of these ideas are more far-fetched than others.

But that’s a good thing.

After all, Einstein once said, “If your idea doesn’t sound absurd at first, there’s no hope for it.”

SO HERE IS THE CHALLENGE: How can you plug YOUR needs into this equation?

Well, as an entrepreneur, I suggest you make three lists: one for you, one for your customers, and one for your employees/partners/vendors/suppliers/etc. Hypothesize how each of those three groups of people would complete The Ultimate Dream Statement:

I wish there was an (X) so I wouldn’t have to (Y)!

See if you can think of ten variations of that sentence for each of your three groups.

And as you brainstorm, consider:

What are your breads?

What are your dreams?

What are you tired of doing?

What do you wish you didn’t have to do anymore?

Ultimately, if you can identify those key elements and make your product or service the solution to people’s problems, you win.


What do you reply to?


For the list called “22 Questions to Bypass Business Atrophy”, email me and I’ll send you the list for free.


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