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The writer’s GMC

know what you want

You have a dream: to write a book. Congratulations! Now what? How do you go from a great idea to a great reality? With The writer’s GMC*. Answer the following questions to discover your writing goals, motivations, and conflicts. You can do it! The next step requires your practical tools of creativity, honesty, and perseverance.

G is for Goal

What is your current literary project? What are your long-term writing projects? Describe each, as appropriate, in as much detail as possible, addressing, for example, genre, length, and audience.

M is for motivation

What is your main motivation that drives you? What are your secondary motivations? Look deeper and find another reason, if you can. Some write because their day is not complete without it; others write to communicate a message or a dream, make a point, or impress others. There is no correct answer, clarity is only achieved by knowing why you write.

C is for Conflict

Focus on the obstacles you perceive, both internal and external. Allow any negative or limiting self-talk to be recognized for what it is: an obstacle to be overcome. No need to judge, just acknowledge. Notice what outside factors get in the way of your writing time, whether it’s the rush, work and family obligations, or watching TV. Don’t judge, just keep in mind that these obstacles are often there by our own choice and by acknowledging them we can choose differently. What strengths can you use to accomplish your writing goals? Include internal qualities like humor, intelligence, curiosity, drive, and external benefits like a space to work, a regular writing time, a good computer, or no pressure to make money from your writing.


Now that you are clearer about your writing goals, motivations, conflicts, and strengths, share them with a supporting writing partner, writing group, teacher, or coach. Sharing helps you be accountable for your goals. A successful partner can encourage and validate you. In addition, a writing partner or group, coach, or teacher may ask “What’s next?” and encourage you to plan and execute your next step.

Next step

So what’s your next step in your writing project? Do you need to sit down and write? Need to create a project timeline? Do you need help checking and activating your GMC? None of us achieve a dream without many people helping us along the way. Welcome to the writing community!

* Thanks to Deb Dixon and her book, Goal, Motivation and Conflictas inspiration for this article.


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