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There is only one true love in a person’s life

Love really only appears once in most times of life, so don’t let it pass you by. Make sure you grab and hold for dear life. Love will come and go if a person is not ready for love. I made that mistake about fifteen years ago. I let the only love of my life walk away and did nothing to stop her. Don’t let this happen to anyone who thinks they are in love with someone else, make sure it works.

I put this girl up about fifteen years ago and we did everything together. I spent every free hour I had with this girl. There was nothing I wouldn’t have done for her, all this woman had to do was ask and I would do my best to help her in any way she could. we spend hours just enjoying each other’s company, this is very rare in today’s world. We enjoy everything about each other.

This woman wanted me closer than she could because the only real thing in my life that I got used to doing this was work. I had to stay in control of my life by working more hours than I had time to spend with her and one day my wife got tired of waiting for me to change and walked out of my life once and for all.

I have spent countless nights wondering why I let this woman go. She had everything she could want in a woman, so she this woman left. Don’t let this happen to any couple who really love each other. I have always found it difficult to commit to anyone. Learn to enjoy and depend on each other. Find little ways to let each other know that you are always thinking of each other. Share quiet moments by simply talking about how much your time together makes life better for both of you. Grab a bottle of wine and a radio and find a quiet place where you both like to be together and just talk and dance for hours.

Love every moment you both have together and let each other know how much you love each other. He had always thought that this woman knew how he really felt about her. It’s hard for me to commit to someone because I’ve taken care of myself all my life. I have a control problem with the people who come into my life. I lost the one true love of my life simply because I didn’t commit to having a life for both of us. I’ve only known one way in my life and that was just to lock myself in my job when a relationship became serious for me.

Love is really the most important thing in life, it took me the biggest loss of my life and fifteen years to realize this. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about how different my life would have been with her than it is without her. Take advantage of the time to love life is so short not to hear these words I love you. I wish I could turn back the clock and change this error, but I can’t. Take the time to share the greatest feeling in life. Love. Love will stand the test of time if people work at it. Nothing that good comes easy, but it’s worth the work of both people. Love is really the greatest feeling between a man and a woman.

Love unites both people as one and believe me it is worth everything you have to give up to keep it. As always I write with respect.


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