
The Perfect Tech Experience


There’s a healing room in heaven

One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is about a person’s loved ones who are gone. They want to know if they are doing it right. Let me explain a little bit about what happens when you cross over from this dimension into the spiritual realm.

There needs to be a lot of healing as you transition from everything you have known and experienced in this lifetime. I liken it to being similar to a newborn baby. The newborn does not come into this world walking and talking and full of knowledge. They learn through their parents, the environment, and time.

The same is true for the individual when he becomes a newborn in the spirit world. They have to learn a new way of being. You keep your memories of this life, but many emotions and thoughts you held onto have to dissolve as you settle into your new life.

Your guardian angels are with you right away, as they knew you before you entered the third dimension and they will continue to be with you throughout your spiritual life. There will be a large number of angels to help you, as each one has been given a different task to help you. You will not be alone and scared. Many people worry about it and it is not necessary. You will be in the presence of divine love and it will be a feeling beyond anything you have ever felt before.

You will spend time in your special healing room with these lovely divine beings. Yes, you will meet many family, friends, and people during this healing time. Some will be with you immediately as they have been patiently waiting for you. Animals that you have had in your life will often be there, as they have a special purpose for you in the spirit world. Each one will come to you when you are ready to be with them.

It is lovely weather and there is nothing to fear. You are going to move into the next phase of your existence and you will be gently nurtured and healed.

I have written many articles on spirit life as I have spent a great deal of time in the spirit world. One of my greatest pleasures is taking people into the spirit world through my guided journey and letting them see what is in it for them.

Time will not matter and the things you found important in this life will fade away once you experience the divine love of the spirit world. This really is beyond our mortal comprehension, but once we cross it, it will all become clear and make perfect sense. You will be free from all the limits of this life. Free to fly and have peace.

Think of all the peace and love that awaits you in your next birth.


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