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Health Fitness

Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss – Mini Fast Your Way to Lower Blood Sugar

Chances are you’re interested in more than just losing weight. It is a safe bet to say that you would also like to improve your health. Who does not? The difference between people is the strength of their intention. We would all like better health, but how many of us are willing to work hard for it? You may also be interested in lowering your blood sugar levels. It’s a common concern for many middle-aged adults and, increasingly, for young adults and teens. Parents, though with the best of intentions, may not be providing healthy nutritional guidance to their children. Children then develop poor eating habits that are difficult to change, making them vulnerable to high blood sugar and obesity-related conditions as they age.

No matter your background or your particular situation, you are definitely interested in losing weight. If you also have high blood sugar, consider the following tips, the kind that would come in handy on multiple fronts…

Mini-fasts for managing type 2 diabetes and weight loss success. You are familiar with fasting, which is when you don’t eat anything for a long period of time.

How about a mini fast? Like the usual kind, no rule determines the length of a “mini-fast.” It can vary from a few hours to several. More importantly, it must not only be useful, but also work for you…

  • if it is too short, then it cannot be considered a fast so much as a break between meals.
  • if it’s too long, then you’re entering the territory of an actual fast, which may be unnecessary, not to mention not right for you.

If you’ve ever gone more than 16 hours without eating, you know how difficult it can be. Although, to be fair, hunger pangs come and go.

However, mini-fasts throughout the day, lasting 6-10 hours, can be surprisingly helpful and manageable without too much difficulty. It’s quite simple…

  • you eat breakfast or lunch and don’t eat anything else until dinner.
  • or eat an early dinner and skip breakfast the next day, even though it’s technically a longer fast, you may not feel like it. The dream can be used as a tool at times.

If you haven’t tried an eating routine like this before, the results may surprise you. A few weeks of following this routine is enough to help you lose unnecessary weight and lower your blood sugar. The latter especially, since not eating as often gives your body a break from insulin, which helps increase its sensitivity.

As long as you don’t overcompensate for the time you weren’t eating when you finally sit down to eat; you will progress In truth, it is difficult to overeat if you are eating healthy foods. It also helps to eat slowly and drink a glass of water while you eat.

Try mini fasts…


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