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Understanding Common Automotive Defects

As the owner or operator of a vehicle, there are numerous steps you must take to stay safe while driving. From regular tune-ups to complying with road safety regulations, the list of tasks required to continue car transportation can be long. Unfortunately, no matter how carefully you work to be careful when driving or maintaining your vehicle, it is still possible to be the victim of a tragic accident when it involves a defective car.

Common Automatic Defects

Automotive defects can be very varied in the way they affect you, your passengers, and those with whom you share the road. However, all automotive defects have the potential to cause harm to you and others. Some of the most common forms of auto defects include the following:

  • Seat belt defects, including those that do not fit properly in place and those that do not tighten or loosen properly when required
  • Tire defects, which can cause very serious blowouts when driving on the highway
  • Brake defects, which can cause the brakes to not work properly, putting your life in serious danger if the brakes are damaged while driving
  • Defects in child car seats, which can leave a child unprotected in the event of a collision

These are some of the most common forms of automotive defects that can affect unsuspecting drivers and passengers without warning. While these tragic failures can be caused in a number of ways, they are often caused by neglect. When a manufacturer or product design specialist acts negligently, the innocent consumers affected may suffer greatly. When this occurs, it is imperative that those responsible for the defect are held accountable for the damage they have caused.


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