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Use of minoxidil in the treatment of male pattern baldness

Minoxidil is a vasodilator and was originally a treatment drug for hypertension. In the treatment of hypertension produced other undesirable effects in the body. It was observed that there was a rapid growth of hair. This discovery led researchers to devise a Minoxidil topical solution to treat male pattern baldness. Minoxidil use was first targeted at men, and in later years women could use the product as well. The topical solution comes in 2% and 5% concentrations. The 2% solution was found to work better in women than in men, while the 5% solution did the opposite.

Minoxidil stimulates hair growth. The mystery is in the exact mechanism of the drug. However, it seems to shorten the resting phase (telogen phase) of the hair cycle, forcing the hair to enter the production phase (anagen phase). The amounts of hairs produced increase. The keratinization process takes longer. Hair strands are made up of keratin. Therefore, if the process takes longer to complete, the hair strands will be stronger and more resistant to baldness.

Hair follicles contain many cells. These cells and their interaction are what control the hair growth cycle. The activity of the cells increases due to the increase of blood in the scalp. Minoxidil increases blood circulation by dilating the vessels in the scalp. There is also the formation of more blood vessels. The blood acts as a stimulator for cells to reproduce and grow. It has been observed that prior to the use of Minoxidil, there are few blood vessels. Generally, when the hairs are in the telogen phase, few blood vessels are found. When the hairs enter the anagen phase, the number of vessels increases. Minoxidil further increases this number. With the active cells, there will be noticeable hair growth.

Minoxidil is the favorite drug due to its side effects. These are lower in both men and women. The most noticeable use effect was skin irritation when using the liquid topical solution. This can easily be resolved by using another form of Minoxidil. Shampoos can also be used with the medication. Shampoos help keep the scalp clean and healthy, which is important for the growth of healthy, clean hair. The scalp is also relieved of irritation. The scalp needs to be in optimal shape for Minoxidil to be successful.

The drug has been very useful in the treatment of male pattern baldness. In men, baldness can be noticeable at the crown of the head. With the use of minoxidil, the hairs grow back. In women, there may not be baldness but a thinning of the hair on the head. Thus, the hair thickens and lengthens. A good hairstyle can hide baldness while the hair grows back. In fact, it is better to trim the hair so that there is even hair growth. After 2 years of use, the hair will have fully grown back.


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