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Using counter displays at your convenience store

You’ve probably never been to a convenience store that doesn’t have some kind of counter top display with plastic containers. Counter displays are important tools in convenience stores because they allow store owners to store and display merchandise that might not work well elsewhere, such as small candies, gum, lollipops and suction cups, and even inedible merchandise.

Plastic containers work well in countertop displays because they are sturdy and durable, lightweight, and versatile. Convenience stores tend to experience a lot of fast-paced traffic, and these types of plastic and acrylic containers help ensure that nothing is broken and that displays can be easily changed when needed.

As you are considering counter displays for your convenience store, ask yourself the following three questions.

Question 1: What kind of merchandise will the containers hold?

The merchandise on your counter display is likely to be quite small, but you have several container sizes to choose from. You can find mini plastic containers ideal for small pieces of candy or gum and you can find larger containers perfect for children’s toys. Choose container sizes that work best with the items you plan to display.

Note that you can find containers with lids for those foods that are unwrapped and need extra protection from dust and other debris. The counter and registration area of ​​a convenience store experience heavy traffic, so make sure your merchandise is protected.

Question 2: How much counter space do I have to work with?

The type of countertop display you create (and the containers you use to create it) will largely depend on how much space you have to work with. If the area near your cash register is large enough, you will have quite a bit of freedom in terms of container sizes and how to place them on your counter. However, if you have limited space, you may need to choose small containers and look at the wire countertop shelves to help you stack and display them effectively and attractively.

Question 3: How can I have fun with the containers and the display?

Note that you are not limited to simple round or square containers. You can find containers in holiday-inspired shapes, as well as universal shapes like stars and hearts. You also don’t have to choose just clear acrylic containers. You can find containers in virtually every color of the rainbow. You may want to buy some traditional clear fish tank containers for safety, along with some colorful containers and fun shaped containers to add a bit of flair to your displays.

One of the best things about counter displays is that they are not permanent – you can change things up as many times as you like! Aside from appearances, other points to consider when considering changing your displays include visibility and convenience. Watch your customers’ reactions to your screens. Can they easily access the merchandise? Does it seem like they are avoiding the merchandise because they can’t reach it? Are you sure they can see all the merchandise? Remember: visibility and convenience must come before appeal when creating your counter displays.


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