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what goes around comes around

The cliché, “What goes around comes around”, is the American definition of Karma.

Karma, from the root kri, “to do,” is the means by which you become the architect of your own destiny. The word karma literally means act, but it implies the complete cycle of cause and its effects. According to the law of karma, all human action, in thought, word or deed, inevitably leads to results or consequences, positive or negative, depending on the quality of the action.

Karma deals with causality. A specific action leads to a specific result. A positive act will lead to a positive result, therefore, to the experience of positive events, either in this life or in the future. On the other hand, negative acts will inevitably sooner or later lead to suffering. This is the Law of Cause and Effect itself, because the result will inevitably correspond to the nature of the cause. For example, if you plant a seed, a certain type of plant will grow from it. From a bean seed, a bean plant will grow; from an apple tree seed an apple tree will grow and not of any other kind. The effects of a fact, word or thought are sometimes immediate but in some cases it takes many days, months, years or lives until the right moment arrives. Buddha said, “Our good and bad deeds continually follow us like shadows.”

You must remember that thoughts and words are also considered karma. Wishing is also a kind of action, so you need to be very aware of your bad desires to get rid of them immediately. Negative emotions such as anger, hatred, envy, selfishness, jealousy, etc. They are also illicit actions that lead to negative reactions – suffering, so we must bear in mind that each of our physical, emotional, verbal or mental actions has its repercussions throughout the Universe.

Negative thoughts or disturbing emotions can arise within us every day. This is not a sin, but if you allow those harmful emotions to linger within you, strengthening them through wrong actions, evil thoughts, and wicked words, you will be creating negative karma. Your duty is to get rid of those negative thoughts and silly and mindless emotions as soon as possible. Christ, Buddha, Muhammad and other great souls were not exempt from experiencing bad thoughts, fear, anger, sadness, hatred, selfishness or any other type of negative emotion, they worked to hastily eradicate these tremendous obstacles in their evolutionary process.

You need to stop your negative thoughts and emotions so that you can prevent negative karma from building up. You generate around 60,000 thoughts every day, so it is very important to educate your mind to constantly generate positive thoughts that lead to positive words and actions.

Not only our actions, but also our omissions become our destiny. The things that we had to do, but did not do, trigger reactions that can become events of great concern. For example, my grandmother was very ill on Sunday, but I decided not to visit her that day because she preferred to go to the movies. Days passed and three days later she died, so I did not visit her. This action will trigger adverse reactions in my destiny, because it was my moral duty to visit her house to give her optimism and spiritual strength through affective actions and loving words towards her.

None of us like to suffer and our biggest mistake lies in thinking that we need to get through difficult periods as quickly as possible, without realizing that this experience purifies our soul giving us the opportunity to evolve at a faster rate. You need to accept suffering with faith, surrender, resignation and humility, praying to the Almighty for the purification of your soul and for your spiritual liberation. You must remember that hellish moments are preparing you to give birth to something of immeasurable value, spiritual evolution. You need to embrace all circumstances as part of your treasure trove of opportunity. Many difficulties in your life can magnetically draw you into the valleys of pain out of your old comfortable grooves onto new paths of thought. In every difficulty lies the golden seed of uplifting spiritual change. You gain inner strength and spiritual evolution by overcoming difficulties.

You have solved millions of different karmas from many past lives, and in just one day you create a lot of new karma through your thoughts, words, and actions. Sometimes it is positive, sometimes negative, but unfortunately, it is usually negative because you, as a human being, constantly have disturbing thoughts and emotions that rarely result in something positive, but in wrong actions. You can act with love towards your family, this is your Dharma – duty, consequently you will reap the love of your relatives and evolve spiritually. If you want love, give unconditional love.

If you create negative karmas, actions, killing, stealing, lying, criticizing, etc., you will get terrible results such as diseases, calamities, difficulties or any kind of suffering. The greater the sacrifice and the goodness of the action, the greater the fruit you will receive. Similarly, a negative or mean action, inflicting pain and suffering on other beings, will bring equivalent results to the doer. For every action, word and thought there will be a reaction – fruit – equal in nature and degree. The Law of Cause and Effect is unbreakable and no one escapes it. This law operates in every situation, in every place, at any time within the created Universe, at every level of creation.


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