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What is the Mordein Tablet?

Mordein Tablet

The Mortein Tablets is considering the best remedy for hemorrhoids. In fact, they are a very good cure for piles. These tablets are effective in strengthening and expanding the veins. They improve blood flow as well as reduce swelling and therefore act as an effective relief against hemorrhoids.

Mortein suppliers

It is always recommended to use the tablet straight from the bottle. However, it may not taste good if you have applied it on the anus directly. So, before applying the powder to the affected area, add some water on the affected portion so that the tablet can dissolve easily.

Take the tablet and mix it with some oil such as olive or coconut oil. Add some baking soda as well. This will make the tablet easier to dissolve and it is also safe to use.

What is the Mordein Tablet?

The reason why people prefer to use this tablet is because it acts quickly. Moreover, it is easy to apply on the rectum and anus. However, this tablet is quite strong and it can result in some side effects when used over a long period of time. For instance, it may cause nausea and diarrhea.

You should take the tablet every morning right after you wake up and before you go to sleep at night. This is how your body should absorb the medicine. It is advisable to take two tablets per day. If you suffer from any severe form of pain, you should consult a doctor immediately. This is to avoid further complications and health issues.

In addition, it is important to remember to use the tablet as directed. Do not take more than two tablets at one time. Also, do not stop taking the tablet unless your symptoms have gone away. If you feel pain while having intercourse, then you should not continue the application. Otherwise, the pain will get worse and lead to other serious problems. sitting on a toilet for a long time. When sitting on a toilet, the pressure applied by the rectal muscles can cause irritation in the anal and rectal areas. You should also avoid straining or prolonged coughing.

Before applying the tablet, you should wash your hands with warm water and soap. Then, you should dry your buttocks completely. Once you are done washing, you should trim your fingernails and apply a little amount of lubricant on your finger before inserting the tablet into your rectum. You should not force the tablet inside your rectum because it can cause some damage. Instead, you should just gently push the tablet in without causing any discomfort.

When the tablet starts to come out of your rectum, you should flush it very gently. If you have pain while pushing it out, you should pull the tablet out gently but firmly. This should help you remove the tablet easily.


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