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Why aren’t you making millions in real estate?

In the real estate business, we find ourselves chasing dreams of high bills and grandiose lifestyles. As we begin to invest our time in this business, we find that our profits dwindle and our time is consumed in this business. With the ever-growing technology of business today, we continually add technology to our business in hopes of lowering our bottom line and increasing our advantage. At this point there are two types of people.

1. People in denial, who do not take responsibility for their failure.

2. People who accept failure and try to fix the broken machine

Let’s just talk about failure first. Do you remember when you were in school and it was the first day of school? You had from the first day of school to the last day of school to earn a grade for the class. Passing the class meant that he could advance to the next class in line. Failing the class meant repeating the class or being reprimanded in some way. Maybe you had to repeat the class or couldn’t get a credential, whatever the reason, there was a consequence.

Were you able to succeed in those settings or fail in such settings? Do you think if you put yourself in such an environment you would fail? You don’t want to put yourself in a situation like that because it would have consequences you don’t want to deal with? Ask yourself some very difficult questions before you ignore the fact that your business is not where it needs to be.

We all do certain things for certain reasons. We get up in the morning, no matter how we feel, and we put food in our mouths because if we don’t, what is the consequence?

Hungry so we get up every morning and do things to make sure we’re fed.

But that’s not enough to motivate some people. Let’s take our addictions into account. We all have addictions that we need to listen to, no matter the situation. The leaps and bounds we are making to feed these addictions tell us two things.

1. There is a great power within us when we need to achieve something that we urgently need.

2. It is worth all the work we do to feed the addiction to receive the result

If not doing this business meant losing your home, family, self-esteem, and anything else that is very important to you, then you are in a position where this business now becomes very important. So important, that you will do what is necessary to make this business work. So yes, there are millions in real estate, but why don’t we realize this and treat it as it is? A way to support our family, have financial stability for life, be highly respected among our peers, and whatever else is important to you can be found in the riches of real estate.

So why are we still failing to take the necessary steps to make this business work? Why do we continually make excuses for our situation? Why do we keep telling ourselves it’s a learning experience? Ask yourself these hard and difficult questions and find in yourself a truth that you need to realize before you can move on to the next step.

One of the most important factors to be able to achieve anything is the “BELIEF” that you are capable of obtaining it. This problem prevents you from doing so many things. Your beliefs that real estate riches are unattainable because

1. You have no money

2. You don’t know the right people

3. You don’t have the right education

4. Complete your excuse here

No matter how logical and rational the reason you were unsuccessful in real estate is, your grade in real estate is an “F.” In life we ​​achieve an “A” or an “F”. Giving yourself something in between means it’s okay for you to be where you are. If this is you, then you can have everything you want in life. If you cling to your lifestyle to the point where you are not willing to do anything to jeopardize your current lifestyle, then you really need to make a big deal of it.

You see, if you place so much importance on something, you may not like it, but it is very valuable in your mind. The work that you have been doing for all these years is very valuable because it has shown that it provides you with all these years. Your wife you hate has taken care of you and your children for all these years. Her feelings about these things do not outweigh the benefits of giving up these things to pursue other interests. People choose every day to walk away from their jobs and families, what are they thinking? How can they be so stupid?

Do you realize that you can get fired? Do you realize that your family can be taken from you in an instant? When this happens, will you live a life of agony or a life of prosperity? It is a loss when we lose something to a small degree, say an “F”. It is a great loss when we lose our family or our livelihood. But we can try to predict what we would do if this happened to us. The reality is that we are able to predict the future.

Taking your life so far, how many things have you been right in your predictions in your life and how many have you been wrong? You can never predict the future, but in this world there is always a couple who can. That is always the case in this world. There is always an exception to the rule. In each of the things I’ve said, I’m sure you’ve found tons of exceptions to everything I’m saying. You’ve found ways to take what I’m saying and take the value out of everything I say so that when you’re done reading you can’t take responsibility for your life. You can tell yourself that you have not found anything in this article and that I am wrong and you know better.

But let’s predict the future, considering your life as it’s been for all these years, let’s take each day and move one day forward. Tell me what the next day would be like. How will you feel when you are in the same situation next month? See the result if you keep doing what you’re doing a year from now. What if you’re wrong? You’re telling yourself that it’s not possible, but maybe, just maybe, you’re telling yourself that you could be wrong. Apart from the fact that you feel that something is not right within it, that there is the possibility, the slightest possibility that you are making a mistake.

As seconds pass to days, and days whisper to months, and months fade to years, you’re old, living your life without achieving your dreams, and living each day working the job you hate and sitting on that subway day. after day. . Driving in rush hour day after day, minute after minute, for years and years, you were and you were until you find yourself in a place where you’re alone and it’s too late.

Now it’s too late to go back and make things right. It’s too late to go back and make everything right. You can’t go back now, no more tears will fix your situation. The voices fade and your family has left you and your job is gone. Your house has turned to dust. You have lost everything you valued for all these years and you thought that one day you might have what you want in life. These things you long for and the things you long for, but now there is no time, no one will hear your cries for help, no one will feel your pain. You sit in pain and cry alone, sitting there alone, looking back is a waste of time. Those things that you have wanted are now gone and are no longer possible.

Do you feel this reality? Do you see your future? Do you hear the call of loneliness? Are you going to keep doing the same thing over and over again so that you can become the future you see for yourself? Can you stand another day of waking up and letting another worthless day repeat itself? Is it worth another day of doing the same thing, over and over again, to be able to be alone with nothing?


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