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Why I like the Pomeranian and recommend it as your next pet dog

The Pomeranian is a breed of dog best known for its outgoing personality and highly attractive appearance. It is a small dog with a very strong and happy physical and mental constitution.

These dogs are also very friendly and love to walk as they are very active and alert. They are very aware of everything around them and like to be the center of attention. That is why he or she will be a good alarm, as it will bark for a good reason, such as a warning of the proximity of an unknown person or animal. Of course, it will bark if a friendly person approaches, but this will be a distinctly different type of barking.

These dogs were originally of a much larger breed that was used for sled pulling in the Arctic region. This breed is the miniaturized version of these so-called working class Spitz-type dogs. This breed of dog is named after Pomerania, the area of ​​Europe that is now part of Poland and West Germany.

The Pomeranian became very popular with Queen Victoria, who was drawn to its graceful and regal appearance while visiting Florence, Italy. He apparently returned to England with several Pomeranians by his side, which helped to gain the popularity of this dog in the future.

Queen Victoria became a serious Pomeranian breeder and participated in various exhibitions in which one of her favorite furious friends, Windsor Marco, won first place in her class. The Queen is also said to be the reason these dogs are so small, as she raises them to be roughly thirty pounds smaller and toy stature.

Pomeranians are intelligent dogs, but sometimes they don’t realize how small they are and they will take on bigger dogs. As a result, when taking your Pomeranian for a daily walk, be aware of nearby dogs. However, the surrounding people will be drawn to your furious friend and will generally want to visit you as the Pomeranian is generally outgoing and willing to meet new people. He or she will enjoy any meeting with friendly people, especially if there is a gift involved.

Pomeranians will require daily exercise as they are energetic and active dogs. This often only requires one walk around the block, but be surprised if your Pomeranian requires more than one walk a day. Taking a walk every day will also be good for your health.

Kind regards


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