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Legal Law

Wisconsin Social Host Responsibility Laws

When a person invites people into their home to consume alcohol, they are generally not responsible for any alcohol-related injuries that people may suffer. One of the most notable exceptions to this rule is underage drinkers. Property owners who provide alcohol to minors may be held liable for any injuries these minors cause to innocent third parties.

Additionally, if those intoxicated minors go out and injure another person, whether in a drunk driving accident or through other alcohol-related means, the social host may also be liable for that other person’s injuries.

Although Wisconsin’s laws regarding host social responsibility are limited, they are quite strict when it comes to underage drinking. As such, owners should always take extra care to ensure they do not serve alcohol to minors.

Also, if a minor gets drunk at a property owner’s home, that property owner should take note and make sure they take care of the person so they don’t get hurt or have an accident and hurt others. If possible, the property owner should also keep the intoxicated minor in the property’s home until the underage drinker is sober. In this way, he or she will not be able to insult others.

However, when a minor is injured, either by alcohol intoxication or by actions committed while drunk, they may be entitled to financial compensation from the property owner.

Persons who are injured at the hands of intoxicated minors may also be entitled to financial compensation from the owner of the property where alcohol was served to the minor.


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