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Wood burning fireplaces and new construction

The misconception of the term ‘wood burning fireplace’

If I mention the term ‘wood burning fireplace’ to you, most people instantly build up a picture in their heads of an old rustic wood fireplace with traditional clad red brick chambers decorated with brass trim surrounding an iron wood burning stove. Slightly worn black cast (the kind you’d probably find in Hagrid’s hut in a Harry Potter movie). Now, as cozy as this all sounds and I’m sure many people are striving to pull off this wonderful composition. What if you’re looking for something a little more modern, especially if you’ve recently decided to redecorate and go for the contemporary minimalist feel? to your living room or have you just moved into your new dream home and want the warmth and appeal of a wood-burning/multi-fuel fireplace but with that contemporary twist? Then look no further as I am about to provide you with valuable information on wood burning/multi-fuel appliances.

The ‘Infire’ range of wood burning / multi-fuel fires

An infire stove is exactly what it says, it is an appliance that can be placed directly on the wall or in a fireplace. It not only combines practicality with simple style, but also provides optimal heat output and is easy to maintain. The purity of its appearance, the size of its glass door without additional decorative elements is ideal for anyone who wants to obtain the clean look of a modern wood stove. The infire not only looks ultra-modern, but its wide range of features sets this range of wood-burning stoves apart from the rest. Complying with the strictest European standards, both in terms of safety and the environment, the Infire is really packed with technology and also has the option of an additional fan unit to emit even more heat from the device. Capable of burning dry wood, charcoal or briquettes with equal ease, it brings a new definition of comfort and perfection to your interior.

What size stove do I need?

The size of a stove really depends on whether it is going to be your main source of heating for your living space or just a deadening backup to your central heating. You also need to consider the size of the room the fire is to be installed in, as you don’t want a small sized appliance to heat a large room, just as you don’t want a large sized appliance to heat a small room. just keep in mind what you want to get out of your wood stove.

What kind of wood to use?

The best type of wood to use with all wood stoves is dry wood, preferably containing no more than 30% water moisture. Some of the best woods for Woodburners are as follows:

Ash – It is considered one of the best woods for firewood. It has a low water content and can be split very easily with an axe. It can be burned green but, like all wood, it is best when dried. Burn at a steady rate and not too fast.

Birch – is an excellent firewood and will burn without seasoning. However, it burns very quickly, so it is best mixed with slower burning wood such as elm or oak.

Oak – is one of the best firewoods. When seasoned well, it gives off a good long-lasting heat and burns reasonably slow. Wood stoves always work optimally when using dry and seasoned wood, this is the best way to get the most efficiency from your appliance.

The best looking wood burning fireplace?

When it comes to the look of a wood burning stove, it again comes down to buyer preference, but if you’re looking for something that really Wow! and is best suited for modern contemporary new construction, then look no further than Phenix Green. This monster of a heating appliance puts out an incredible 20kW of heat!… that’s enough to heat 4 standard sized rooms and can even be ducted to channel heat to other rooms in the house. With an extremely large viewing window (41″ wide x 19″ high), the Phenix Green looks amazing when fully operated, as you can see in this video here.

Well, I hope the above has given some people a different perspective on the types of wood burning and multi-fuel appliances that are now available on the market. There are many new and exciting products that are specifically geared towards the modern living environment. You can get more information or contact us through our Mansfield fireplace website.

Thanks for your time.

Andy Turford

Sales Marketing Executive for Hestia Fireplaces.


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