
The Perfect Tech Experience


World of Warcraft – Hardy Leather Farming in Ice Thistle Hills

I used to do a LOT more cloth farming, but it seems that leveling up Leatherworking up to 375 is even more of a pain in the… butt, shall we say, than Tailoring, so most of my farming now is geared towards finding good leather

There are all kinds of leathers: light, medium, heavy, thick, rough and of course knot leather. My efforts that day were directed towards finding Rugged Leather, so I headed to my favorite place in all of Azeroth, Winterspring.

Now Winterspring has been good to me. If you read my previous posts, you will know that I got several epic drops in there, as well as blues and a lot of greens. But those are incidental. What I REALLY like in Winterspring is the whole Ice Thistle Yeti gang, the Yetis, the Ice Thistle Patriarchs, and the Ice Thistle Matriarchs.

What I like most about them is their low-key but fast respawn rate.

Tonight, taking my newly minted level 70 Grunman, a shaman of (none at all) renown, I spent twenty-five minutes in the hills and caves southeast of Everlook. TWENTY FIVE MINUTES. You have read correctly. In that time period, I managed to acquire 50 rough hides, as well as 21 thick hides, from a variety of Yetis, Matriarchs, and Patriarchs.

Now I didn’t count them, but logic says I killed exactly 71 mobs. At 25 minutes, that’s 21.17 seconds per mob killed, and I include travel time, tedious mana regeneration, and an annoying but essential bathroom break.

Those who are mathematically inclined, as I am not, would calculate that it is a MINIMUM of 120 Rugged Leathers per hour. That’s hard to beat.

If you’re not a leatherworker (a decision I’m beginning to regret, by the way), you could sell these fine pelts for around 10 gold per stack at the auction house. 60 gold per hour, plus the thick leather (worth around 4g per stack) plus the gray junk from the vendor, plus any interesting drops you get, that’s pretty good.

Or you could use the leather to level up your Leatherworking for less than 10 points. You choose.


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