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"you are what you eat" – Does it affect your skin? (Blackheads And Spots)

Your parents will probably tell you to “eat your veggies” and we never listen, however they might be right as new research on acne and its causes suggests that what we eat can show up on our skin.

For many years, dermatologists, skin specialists and doctors have always said that you can eat whatever you want, it will not affect your skin or acne and this is because acne vulgaris is still not fully understood. Scientists still do not realize the reasons why we get pimples, blackheads and spots on the skin. What scientists do know is that hormones play a role in acne, causing excess oil to occur more frequently and quickly.

how acne occurs

Acne occurs when it becomes blocked due to excess oil, dead skin cells, or bacteria on the skin. The sebaceous glands under the skin routinely create oil and push it up from under the skin to expel all the bacteria and dead skin from the skin. Acne occurs when these holes (pores) become blocked with oil and dead skin cells that form a sticky glue. This causes pimples and pustules.

There are different types of foods that do different things once consumed within the body and these foods have been placed on a table called the Glycemic Index (GI). Foods with a high GI make the body’s hormones work to convert them into glucose. This hormonal activity causes the skin to produce more oil. Let’s look at some of the high glycemic index (GI) foods.

  1. Parsnips, Potatoes and Beans. These are high GI vegetables, which means eating them could cause acne breakouts.
  2. Fish, but not Omega 6 fish as this is not good. Omega 3, which you have probably heard before, is good for the mind and skin.
  3. Bananas, melons, pineapple, grapes are the worst fruits for Alto (IG)

By eating these, you could find yourself getting acne breakouts more often, and unfortunately this can lead to scarring. Take care of your skin, what you eat and your skin will take care of you. “You are what you eat”

Growing from a child to a teenager, hormones are more active and these hormones cause acne pimples, boils (nodules) and pustules which can really disfigure your confidence and self esteem. But all this can be solved with a proper diet and taking care of the skin.

Bottom line, eating whatever you want is great, but eating better foods for your acne can stop acne at the root so you can enjoy life once more. Simply avoiding high (GI) foods can clear up acne in a couple of days.

I hope this has helped


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