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You have problems with dad

The other day I was thinking about how, over the years, I had heard various people say that certain women had “parenting problems.” This was something that was said if a woman blamed all men for everything and hated men, or even had a tendency to bet on older men.

However, although this is something that is said often, I do not think it is so common to hear someone say that a man has “mommy problems.” This is not to say that it is time for men to be criticized, as I believe there are already enough attacks on men in the media.


The reason this caught my attention is because I think seeing that one genre has all the problems doesn’t solve anything. At the end of the day, both men and women have their own things to deal with.

Making only one gender has problems and the other is practically perfect only creates more problems. All it does is divide men and women, and the only people who benefit from this are the people at the top.

A clear sign

With this in mind, if a man or woman believes that the problem is the opposite sex, they are likely to show that they have problems with their mom or dad. The reason for this is that our mother and father are often the people who give us our first experiences of men and women.

The way these two people treated and behaved us early in our lives is what shapes our view of men and women. However, since this happens so early, it can be easy for us not to realize the effect these two people have on our lives.

Time goes by

So if someone did not have a good experience with their mother / father during the beginning of their life, then it may be normal for them to come in contact with men / women who will press their buttons, so to speak. But, due to the amount of time that has passed since this point in your life, you may not be aware of what is happening.

As a result of this, they may end up blaming the men / women in their current life for what is happening. Then they can see themselves as victims and these people will be the perpetrators.

Two experiences

Thanks to the fact that the media and education system often demonize men, it can be much more difficult for a woman to deal with her own problems. No matter what a woman goes through, there will be no reason for her to take responsibility for what happens; the bad behavior you have experienced will only be a reflection of what men are like

On the other hand, if a man has problems with a woman, it will be much more difficult for him to say bad things about them in public. Consequently, as it is more difficult for a man to get away with blaming the woman for his problems, it can make him look inward.

Final thoughts

On the other hand, you could join a more underground movement; where other people will validate what is happening. If someone really wants to make a difference in the world, it is clear how important it is for them to own what is happening to them.


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