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2 Easy Ways To Naturally Increase Your Staying Power That Actually Work! (100% natural)

Here’s a question we get quite often: How can I last longer in bed? Why am I coming so fast?

How can I delay orgasm so that sex is longer, stronger and more satisfying for both me and my partner? And does she care that she’s climaxing so fast? Or does she think finishing fast is actually a compliment?

Do any of these questions ring a bell? The truth is, for many men, coming too fast or climaxing quickly is one of the most embarrassing things that can happen to us in bed. It makes us feel LESS in control, less sexually attractive to our partners, and ultimately, at least in my case, leads to a much lower sense of sexual self-esteem, overall.

And you? Are you in the same boat? Do you secretly wonder if your wife or partner longs for a more grounded sexual experience when making love? And do you feel JUDGED, and anxious as a result, every time you get into bed?

The good news is that premature ejaculation is something you can fix. The bad news? It’s also one of those problems that if you don’t address it now, it will only get worse and more pronounced the longer you let it go.

With that said, here are 2 simple solutions for PE that will help you increase your staying power, boost your stamina, and allow you to last much longer, regardless of how quickly you climax right now.

Resistance strategy no. Tip #1: Focus on the PC muscle first. (training it through natural lifting exercises)

Little known fact: Every man has a PC muscle that regulates ejaculation and sexual self-control. Training your “kegals” may actually be the #1 SECRET to noticeable, lifelong improvement in sexual staying power and… and only a small fraction of men know that we have this muscle in our bodies.

Even better?

When done correctly, it will specifically strengthen the PC muscle group that lies within the pelvic wall. This will strengthen your sexual core and allow you much more flexibility when it comes to controlling much of what goes on inside your body, during sex. Also note: Kegel and PC raising exercises are also a fairly well-established way to improve erection size.

Tip 2: Practicing mindfulness can train your brain and control your climax to boot!

This is a bit of a longer topic, but the truth is that practicing mindfulness, or cognitive control, can be a great way to improve sexual performance and also increase stamina and staying power.

There’s a lot of this, too, but in essence, practicing mindfulness, or getting in the zone before sex, through mental training, lowers cortisol levels.

Let’s take a quick moment to unpack this idea:

Cortisol is a stress hormone that can negatively affect sexual performance. Practicing mindfulness, or very specific brain training exercises, can also increase testosterone levels, which has a POSITIVE effect on your sexual staying power, stamina, and even the force of your orgasm. (meaning sex WILL FEEL better too) This doesn’t even take into account the many, many benefits of learning to control your body, through mind control, which is now considered the cutting edge of performance research best in ALL areas of life. , sexuality included!

Combining the above two approaches, in my experience, is an amazing and effective 100% natural strategy to boost your self-confidence, improve your staying power, and up-regulate your sexual stamina without drugs or danger, and make this happen quickly too.

And you? What are YOUR biggest challenges when it comes to lasting longer in bed? Whatever they are, the good news is that you CAN! (no tricks, gimmicks or gurus needed)


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