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Health Fitness

5 Great Reasons to Use Resistance Bands

5 Great Reasons to Use Resistance Bands

In the world of sports and fitness, you soon realize that success in these areas begins with consistency. If you want to see results from the exercises you do or the sport you practice, you have to be constant. That means not skipping training. With the high society lifestyle we live today, it’s hard to stick to any training plan. We cannot take our gym equipment with us when we travel and a gym is not always available in some cases. That brings us to the first big reason to use them.

Reason #1:

Resistance bands are lightweight and can easily fit into a travel bag or even carry-on luggage. This means that we can take them with us when we travel. They are also very flexible and can be placed in any free space, as long as there are no sharp items that could damage them.

Reason #2:

The intensity of a resistance band training session is limited only to your imagination. If it feels too easy, you can increase the number of resistance bands you use. Almost every exercise you perform and the way you position the resistance bands will engage your core muscles, making them stronger.

Reason #3:

When using weights, you are always aware of gravity. The more weight you lift, the risk of gravity winning that rep increases. When fatigue sets in and the weights are in an elevated position, gravity wins again. To work safely with weights, it is good practice to have a spotter. With resistance bands, gravity is a much less important factor. If the resistance of the band is too great, you can stop without gravity gaining the upper hand. A spotter is not required when using this item.

Reason #4:

The environment that is needed has very few limits. The limit would be that you need a place to attach the bands to something secure. This isn’t for every exercise, but there are many where you need to attach one end of the band to a secure anchor. If there is an entrance with a door that closes, your problem is solved. Another item you can attach the band to is a pole. The resistance band is extremely versatile. In almost any environment it can be done; warm-up exercises, muscular resistance training, plyometrics and cardio.

Reason #5:

They are comparatively cheap compared to pesos. When using dumbbells, if you want to increase the resistance, you need to buy more dumbbells. With resistance bands, you can use various ways to increase resistance. It is cheaper to buy an extra band than to buy an extra weight. With a band, you can shorten it for added resistance or stand further from the anchor point. Once again, you are only limited by your own imagination.

Here are 5 great reasons to try resistance bands. The versatility of this item makes it very popular among professionals and beginners in the sports and fitness fields.


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